From a spiritual point of view, I have always thought of life like walking a tight rope. You must walk straight toward the end and not take your eyes off the "safe" platform ahead of you. If you look down or away, you will lose your balance and fall!
On that note!
I have been reading the book Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford. She tells the story of her life as Joan Crawfords daughter. I saw the movie when I was in high school. After I finish the book, I want to watch it again. Christina talks about all the abuse from her mother.
HOWEVER, I have done many of these things to my children.
I DO NOT CUSS OR BEAT MY CHILDREN!! Don't stop reading and call the police!!
Some examples:
She talks about the abuse where she would not eat dinner b/c it was bloody meat. It was put in the fridge and given to her for breakfast, lunch, etc......
I put Max's dinner in the fridge and gave it to him for breakfast several times. Max was a horrible picky eater and would not even try the food! It was never bloody meat, though!
She talks about how the kids were trained to not talk when adults were around (be seen and not heard).
I have taught my boys not to join in adult conversation. To sit quite and respectful, not to interrupt. AND to a certain extent "be seen and not heard unless requested by the adult!"
She talks about how she did the dishes at age 4 and all the other chores she was expected to do. Since my boys were about 4yrs old, I have had them do dishes, laundry, clean rooms, make bed, clean bathroom, etc.
There were several similarities! I joke about "what was so wrong with Joan Crawford?"
BUT I will defend myself:
I do not scream and cuss at my kids, I do not beat them, I correct in love (most of the time), I do not make fun of them (most of the time), I don't get drunk and I apologize when I have been wrong in my motives!!
It is amazing to me that I am like Joan. I am controlling, obsessive compulsive, strict, etc...
The difference is I seek help from God, not any substance or other people.
It is fascinating that the Lord is what makes the difference in WHO someone is!!