Monday, July 27, 2009

Ben Watson, Action News 5....

When I taught at Shrine School, the news would occasionally do "fluff" pieces on something or someone at the school. One day Ben Watson from channel 5 news came to our school to tape an interview. Me and a few other teachers were eating lunch in the lounge. Ben Watson came in to use our restroom. He was in the bathroom for quite a while. We were beginning to notice and make some whispered comments. Someone realized that he was probably trying to figure out how to flush the toilet. We had a "faulty" flush. You had to lift up on the handle instead of pushing down. Mr. Watson opened the bathroom door and paused. We asked if he needed help with the toilet and immediately explained how to flush it.

.........and this is what cracks me up at random times TO THIS DAY!!

In his reporter voice, Ben Watson said "I thought I was going to have to get a cup and scoop my stuff out."

HA HA HA HA HA I guess you had to be there but I really wished he had asked for a cup to scoop his stuff out!! That would have been hilarious!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

it's that time of year!!

As a kid, I dreaded school! Hated it! Then, like the brilliant genius that I am, I became a teacher so that school could be a part of my life forever.
Of course now that I teach from home and my class consists of my two sons, I am in paradise!!

I love getting up at 5:30am.......ok, ok I hate getting up but once I am up........
I love how the sun sends different yellows and oranges through my front windows. I love the quiet in the house as I prepare for the day. I love the sound of the morning news in the background as I fix breakfast. I love that homeroom and first period are in the living room around 9am! I love that my students are cuddled up on the couch and in the chair with their bare feet slung over the arms of the furniture while they read, work a math problem or in discussion.

..................................................when November rolls around....................................................
I sleep until Jeff leaves for work and then jump in the shower. The boys are watching PBS or Qubo while I sling breakfast together. We still start by 9am but midterms and papers have turned the relaxed mornings into gripes and grumbles.....................

Thursday, July 23, 2009

which to do first?? read book or watch movie

If I see the movie first, then I do not read the book. I figure that I know how it will end so I do not need to read it.
If I read the book first, then I do not mind watching the movie. It is usually not as good as the book but it is still great. (Harry Potter, To Kill A Mockingbird, etc)
I read Inkheart to the boys as a class book. We really enjoyed the book and could not wait for the movie to come out on DVD. We just recently watched the movie and it was horrible. They pretty much rewrote the story. The characters' names were the same and the ending was the same...BUT the thrill, mystery and story were......well, gone!

A while back I saw the movie Ella Enchanted. I enjoyed the movie. It was OK for a kid movie. It is very hard for me to find a kid movie that entertains ME!!
I just read the book (written in the 90s). It, of course, is so much better but the movie AGAIN rewrote the book. The places are different, the story line is different, the actions of the characters are different.

So now I have to I read the book first or watch the movie first???

I probably will read the book (always better). AND if I find the book after I have seen the movie, I will probably read it.....most likely it will be a different story.

Oh, and did you know that "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was written a long, long time ago by F. Scott Fitzgerald!! I saw the movie and it was good. I want to read the book soon!! I wonder what the story REALLY is!!??

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

understanding ADD through croquet

I realized Max had problems with focusing, control and auditory processing when he was in 1st grade. I have tried to understand why he cries at the smallest things (pitiful silent cries not tantrums) and why he seems to be in another world or "unaware" at times. Why can he not follow 2 step directions?? Why is he so smart and yet things seem so hard for him?? I know from my education "why" but this is my baby and I wanted to understand HOW he feels and WHAT he is going through.

This weekend we had fabulous weather so we set up croquet in the back yard. Jack's game is to come after the balls of others and knock them totally off the court. My game is to beat the pants off my boys. Max is always in competition with Jack so I was amazed at his strategy. Max would knock the crap out of the ball and totally miss his mark. At first I thought he was being silly. THEN I saw his face. He was truly distraught that he wasn't getting anywhere and he was behind. So I began to study him (while I beat the pants off Jack). Max would look at the mark, look at his ball and "pow" slam the mallet into the ball. He could not coordinate the mallet to drive the ball in the correct direction. He tried so hard. THEN he would barely hit the ball and scoop it. He would look at me and without a whine or fit he would simply say "I did not mean to cheat. I did not mean to scoop it." I told him it was fine. THEN "wham" he would knock it crazy again. I showed him how the mallet steered the direction of the ball and it was important to make the mallet hit the ball straight. He tried. He tried to hide his teary eyes. He would smile and patiently go to his ball WAY off course each turn. The frustration set in and then he could not correct it. He was frustrated, embarrassed and sad. AND he did not want us to know. He tried to dance, crack jokes, anything to distract from his true feelings. My heart broke. I realized this must be what he goes through each day when he spills his drink at every breakfast, drops a plate of food at least one meal a day. Gets fussed at for food all over his face and clothes each day. Gets fussed at for not "listening" when told to do something (more than one something). His day starts early and spirals downward everyday. What chokes me up is that he has the sweetest, happiest personality. He does not complain, make excuses or throw fits. His crying over silly things must be when the straw has broken the camels back and he can't control his emotion. I have a broken heart for what he must go through and how he feels he needs to hide what he truly feels. Who knew that a game of croquet could open a window into my son's daily struggles.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fine line between good and evil

From a spiritual point of view, I have always thought of life like walking a tight rope. You must walk straight toward the end and not take your eyes off the "safe" platform ahead of you. If you look down or away, you will lose your balance and fall!

On that note!
I have been reading the book Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford. She tells the story of her life as Joan Crawfords daughter. I saw the movie when I was in high school. After I finish the book, I want to watch it again. Christina talks about all the abuse from her mother.
HOWEVER, I have done many of these things to my children.
I DO NOT CUSS OR BEAT MY CHILDREN!! Don't stop reading and call the police!!

Some examples:
She talks about the abuse where she would not eat dinner b/c it was bloody meat. It was put in the fridge and given to her for breakfast, lunch, etc......
I put Max's dinner in the fridge and gave it to him for breakfast several times. Max was a horrible picky eater and would not even try the food! It was never bloody meat, though!

She talks about how the kids were trained to not talk when adults were around (be seen and not heard).
I have taught my boys not to join in adult conversation. To sit quite and respectful, not to interrupt. AND to a certain extent "be seen and not heard unless requested by the adult!"

She talks about how she did the dishes at age 4 and all the other chores she was expected to do. Since my boys were about 4yrs old, I have had them do dishes, laundry, clean rooms, make bed, clean bathroom, etc.

There were several similarities! I joke about "what was so wrong with Joan Crawford?"
BUT I will defend myself:
I do not scream and cuss at my kids, I do not beat them, I correct in love (most of the time), I do not make fun of them (most of the time), I don't get drunk and I apologize when I have been wrong in my motives!!

It is amazing to me that I am like Joan. I am controlling, obsessive compulsive, strict, etc...
The difference is I seek help from God, not any substance or other people.
It is fascinating that the Lord is what makes the difference in WHO someone is!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

YOUU can DO it!!

I can hear Tony Little saying "yooouuu can doo it!". Years ago someone in the family bought the Tony Little videos. he would encourage you in the workout by saying this in his not-so-new yorker accent!

I am learning I CAN DOOO IT!
Jeff and I have made a decision that I will not work (except tutoring) and I will spend the work time on the new home school plan! I am buying less groceries, which results in eating less!! The right portions are not as expensive as our usual "stuffing" portions. I am making gifts or thrift shopping for holidays (sorry family). AND I have started recycling our "garbage" to make other household needs. I might end up on a talk show one day as the "crazy lady" BUT it is actually kind of fun!! I just started this new adventure so I will have to post pictures and ideas later!

The one thing I wish I could figure out is how to make my own printer ink (hee hee). That stuff is ridiculously expensive. I bought some today and the black was $22 and the color was $27!! Hopefully my clients will not care if I handwrite their reports :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jack is so smart!!

I am skipping the blog about my dad's heart attack and my brother-in-laws brush with death because almost all my readers have heard the stories!! I will say again, I am so thankful to God that he let dad hang around earth a while longer!!!

So ANYWAY, Jack and I were talking the other day............let me take a minute to tell you how much I ENJOY talking to my sons! I don't really miss the baby days (not my thing) but I do miss the toddler years!! I feel like age 5yr til now has sped by and I missed those years!! BUT now is fun in its own "season" of adventures.....

So ANYWAY, Jack and I were talking...he was telling me that he wanted to save his money for an inintendo. He told me about all the wonderful things that it can do. I listened and consciously was not saying anything. I sat and listened and nodded my head. I would say "that sounds great", "oooh, how cool", etc

I often get reports of what other kids have. I used to say, "well both of their parents work", or "we don't have the money". BUT again, I have kids know our financial status, our kids know the choices we have made, our kids know what they can and can't have. It is best to let them speak things. OF COURSE they want these things, who wouldn't????

ANYWAY, Jack told me about a kid who wanted an itouch instead of an inintendo. Jack was expressing his thoughts on how much better an inintendo is and cheaper. WELL, you know me and I can't keep my mouth shut for long....

I said (trying to make a point):
"well it is better to have what is cool to everyone else than to have something that would actually be fun."
Jack: "what?"
Me: "wouldn't you rather have something that would look great to everyone else than to have something that you would just rather have...because you would rather have it?"

Jack: "I know that this is a trick question, but I don't know how to answer because I don't understand.."

This made me laugh out loud! I gave him a big hug and said....."I was tricking you, but I know that you don't try to impress it was a useless trick!" He grinned that grin that brings the world to their knees!! He has a great smile. I told him he will be famous for his smile one day!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

60 years later

This is a public service announcement:

If you have a new house or are just planting new trees and plants, please keep the future in mind!!
Do not plant an oak tree next to a sidewalk or even in the front yard when the front yard is only about 10 feet deep. Don't plant bushes (that grow) near the porch or in a tight corner!
REMEMBER in 60 years, someone else will most likely own your house. These owners will have to deal with roots moving walkways and destroying the house pipes. The huge bushes will be almost impossible to remove from the tight corners!!