Last night, I watched Bridesmaids on Netflix.
I can not recommend this movie because it is laced with raunchy!
BUT I laughed so hard I quit breathing and was cry/laughing during one scene.
I had planned to tell you the "original reason for weddings".
I was under the impression that a long, long time ago....people were simple and practical and held wedding ceremonies before God, family and friends.
I thought I would find many resources to support my "thoughts" on this.
My thoughts:
People planned long ceremonies because friends and family traveled to the town, bringing practical and useful gifts to help the young couple start their lives together....
There was a ton of food (brought by others) to feed the friends and family....
Everyone came for a "barn raising" for the couple.
I had planned to write about the differences of THEN and NOW:
THEN people brought what was quilts, linens, kitchen supplies, etc.
NOW the couple tell people what to buy and where to buy it....and they are usually NOT practical...
THEN people ate "pot luck"...yummy food brought by everyone...
NOW the couple spends a load of money on fancy food and giant decorated cakes...
THEN people came to unite a young couple just starting their life together...
NOW....well frankly...most couples have already started a life together...they are just making it legal...
HOWEVER.....when I started "searching"...I could not find much to support my thoughts...
I DID find something interesting!
*Brides spend a fortune on a wedding cake BUT..
The origin of the tiered wedding cake also lies in Anglo-Saxon times. Guests would bring small cakes to the wedding and stack them on top of each other. Later, a clever French baker created a cake in the shape of the small cakes and covered it in frosting. It is now known as the tiered cake.
*Brides carefully choose their closest friends for bridesmaids BUT...
The bridal party is a tradition that has been established for many centuries. For a long time the purpose of the bridal party was to fool evil spirits. The bride's friends dressed similarly to her in order to confuse any virulent presences that might be lurking about.
SOOO, it wasn't quite and honor....more of a "hope evil gets YOU before ME (the bride)"
Well, I will end with my original idea/thought that sparked this post...
If (as a bride) you feel the need to ask your parents to spend their hard earned money (or even spend your own) on less than 24 hours... are planning what you think are fashionable dresses but will always end up looking ridiculous are planning an after celebration that is cheesy
yes! no matter what you say...receptions end up cheesy parties
(that is why most have get those like me through the event..and to give an excuse for the attention seekers) have bought into the new fad of choreographed wedding party dances
I have finally found a wedding that I like!
The wedding at the end of the Bridesmaids movie!
*hideous fashion
*wedding party standing on flooring in a pool to look like they are standing on water
*laser light show in waterfall back drop
*obnoxious fireworks behind wedding party
*and the best of all.....
Wilson, Phillips singing a cheesy song!
Hey, if you are not going to do us all a favor and elope (with parental consent)...
You have got to make it worth ME putting on a dress!!
OH! and please order THIS kind of cake!!!
Please remember this blog is sarcastic....don't send me any grumpy messages...or I will post why I hated your wedding! HA!!