Max was born 10 years ago on September 28, 1999. I was excited because everyone told me the second child comes faster. NOT!!...I had Jack after 16 hours of labor. Max came after 18 hours of labor. AND he was born at 12:01 AM......his birthday was changed from the anticipated 27th to the 28th. How smart he was to wait. It is easy to remember 8/28 (Jack) and 9/28 (Max).
Max has had medical issues from the start. When I was pregnant, the doctors did some test and the measurements did not add up. They said it was normal for that to happen. I went back and they did more in depth test and they still were not pleased. They felt that Max might have Down Syndrome. After working with special needs kids, I knew what we would be facing. I wanted to do an amnio so we would know and be able to have the specialist on hand in delivery, if needed. The amnio came back normal.
Max was born.......healthy cry.........the crying did not stop for 2 years.
Max was very sick. He had collic, severe reflux, chronic ear infections, colds, sinus infections, 5ths disease, all sorts of viruses, flu, rashes, strep, etc. (he is even sick in the picture above)
Because of all his illnesses and not being able to breathe well, Max did not and does not sleep well. From age 2 until 7, he would have night terrors. He would sleep walk and talk. He still has sleep issues but they are much better since the surgeries.
2 years ago, he got a staff infection. It came back 3 times.
He started allergy shots 1 year ago. He is allergic to grass, trees, pollen, mold, mildew, dust....everything in the air! When he plays in grass, he gets a rash. When he is in old houses or buildings, he gets very sick. He is about to have his 6th surgery on his ears and nose. His ear drum is collapsing and thinning. He has lost some hearing in his right ear. (hopefully surgery will fix that)
I can't believe that Max has lived this kind of life and he is not a horrible kid!
Max makes the best of each situation. He sings, dances, laughs, makes us laugh, smiles, entertains himself, etc.
Thank you God for Max. Thank you God for giving him life and working in his life. Thank you for the many healings, watching over him in surgeries and fevers and breathing difficulties.
Thank you God for not answering my prayer when I was pregnant and giving me twins!!!
I think I would have become and addict of some sort if I had to deal with twins during Max's first 2 years!!! :)