Jeff got his job in August of 2006. In the first week of this new job he went to Philly for 8 weeks. One night, while he was gone, he actually got to talk to us on the phone (very rare). I was looking out the back door (window) while I was talking to him.....looking out into the dark, past the porch light.
Suddenly my focus changed and I noticed a huge intricate spider web created across the doorway (outside). My focus changed again, and I saw the ugliest creepiest scariest spider. It was weaving its web FAST!! At the time, we rarely used our back door. SOOO we did not use the back door for days. I noticed each day a new room, floor, garden, pool and play room was being added to the web! My dad came over at night (it disappeared during the day) and sprayed the spider with bug spray until it fell. He stomped it! WOO HOO!!
Fall of 2007, the intruder was back! My neighbor killed it for me.
Fall of 2008, the intruder was back! My dad came, sprayed and killed it for me.
This year....of course Jeff is gone each time.....we are using our door A LOT. We have a dog and we take it out the back door many times all day long. I just happened to be on the phone with Jeff one night, looking out the back door window.....and my focused changed.........huge intruder uglier than all the others. This one creeped me out the most because I could have easily opened the door to take the dog out and walked right into it!!! UUUUGGGGHHH
It took two attempts to get rid of it..sprayed 2 seperate times but each time I lost sight of it when it fell. I REALLY check before going in and out the door now!!
Have you seen Arachnaphobia ?(hmmm, thought I could spell that ) now all the friends and relatives will come and bring vengeance on you....they hold grudges year to year....Spidey