I am revisiting another life lesson:
Psalm 46:10
"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among nations, I will be exalted in the earth"
"be still"
submission is the proper response to God and his power!!
"I will be exalted among nations, I will be exalted in the earth"
whoa! it does not say "exalt me" like a command or "please" or "I ask" like a plea.
It says I WILL be exalted.
God is powerful. One word, one breath and He WILL be exalted.
One is to fear God. Not like scary or horror (as a christian....because it probably is horror for a non christian) but reverent, fall on your face "fear".
God was speaking to nations that were locked in mortal conflict. God put the focus back on him!!
I apply this to my life. I am constantly begging and whining to God for money to live on this earth.....for answers to my questions about how we should be living..........just like a kid that is running their mouth, whining, begging, stomping feet and rolling eyes...folding the arms and walking away.
God says "BE STILL, I WILL be exalted!!!!"
again: a growing and passionate relationship with the Lord and Savior is the answer to ALL questions and anxiety.........He takes care of the rest!!
reading the scriptures...the way we know what God wants.....i too am constantly learning that i need to just be still and to stop struggling. Good one ,Margaret.