This weekend was packed with fun!!
My oldest niece graduated from high school! Thursday night was her senior prom/banquet. On this same night, my 2 sons and her 5 other siblings played in a concert. My parents and I transported the herd to the concert and then to taco bell.Do you see the tall handsome boy in the green and blue striped shirt on the left???.....well the handsome boy in his armpit is my son, Max.....yea, he is there....look under the music stand...squint....there he is!!!
Next to him is the handsome boy in the red shirt, Andrew, my nephew.....pretty girl to the right....then the handsome boy on her right in the blue is my handsome nephew, Noah!
Now, look on the front row.....second boy....behind the music stand...that handsome head of hair hovering over the top of the music stand is my oldest son, look all the way at the end of the same row. The girl in the pink shirt. The music stand hiding her pretty face. She is playing the beautiful niece, Hannah!.....Want to see them closer????
Max (10), Peter (8), Noah (10), Benjamin (4)
Jack (12), Andrew (12), Hannah (13)
My dad (Butch), My husband (Jeff)
Me (MAZ), My Mom (Trish)
Thursday night we had one set of kids and then Friday night we had another set of kids. We had Halo (xbox) playing and Hannah and I watched New Moon! It was 2 late nights, 2 early mornings and 3 very long days!!!

OK, I will spare you the details of the rest of the weekend....but I am going to share pics!!! sorry, no funny stories....actually, This blog might just be entertaining for family....but I hope any friends or Classic MAZ fans that brave the pics will enjoy it too!!!
Proud grandparents of a very smart, loving, respectful and mature young lady!!!
All the males playing nintendo gaming (Jeff on phone gaming) while waiting for graduation ceremony to begin!
Proud parents/teachers/school admin/principal, etc
(David and Polly van der sister)
Megan Mijo van der Bijl, the Salutatorian for the MHEA class of 2010. She gave an excellent speech. Not only did the audience laugh at the appropriate times, they applauded in the middle of the speech!! She gave the best speech of the day! She even gave a better speech than the Commencement Speaker, the Chief Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court!
It was just too much for 4 year old Benjamin to watch about 100 graduates receive diplomas!
David van der Bijl, Tim Wright and Jeff Ziegenhorn....the "lucky" 3 guys that God tricked into marrying the 3 Armour girls! Thank you, Lord for making these 3 handsome men blind, deaf and dumb!! We 3 girls are incredibly blessed!!!

OK, let us take a moment of silence for Polly......this is her oldest, Megan....almost 19 years old and headed to college.......AND her youngest, Benjamin....almost 5 and not yet in Kindergarten......
Take a moment.....sip your drink, take a bite of your move her name to the top of your prayer list! That is right! Polly will be in her 60s when Benjabuns is wearing this cap and gown!!
PARTY TIME!!!! there was eating and swing dancing!!
The beautiful girl in red is my niece, Nicole. She is almost 16 and belongs to my second sister, Teresa. She is dancing with Max (in red) and Jack is behind him (in white shirt). Andrew (nephew) in back in red and his sister Hannah is in the grey Grizzly shirt.
My sister, Teresa and her daughter Nicole....Jack to the right...
None of us knew how to swing dance so we stood to the side and did various mosh pit, hip hop, slam dancing....and hoped we would not get thrown out of the dance!!

My handsome nephew, Stephen (Teresa's son...almost 14) and Jack doing the Charlie Brown dance!!
After several hours, they learned some of the swing dances! There were so many more boys than YES you may see some odd pics of boys dancing with boys! but they did not care....they used this time to slam each other down to the ground or against walls!
Megan in green shirt, Nicole in red dress, Hannah in grey shirt
Max in red shirt, Benjamin in orange shirt.(next pic) Nicole in red, Andrew in red, Jack in white, Stephen and Hannah in grey.
And to close the weekend....
Corky's with the Ziegenhorns
OK, around the table we go....Julie (married to Jeff's brother, Nelson)..their handsome son, Jacob (11 yrs old)...Max (my son, 10 )...the "MJ" (Jeff's grandmother, Mama Jean)...skip...skip....(don't worry I got to them later)...then you see Jeff's dad, Lee and Jeff's mom Connie
TA beautiful brother-in-law.....oops, I mean niece, Courtney and then Jeff's brother, Nelson...
Jeff and Jack and if you look close, me behind the camera...har har...
And across from son Jack (12) and my other handsome nephew, Alex (almost 16).....take a look at life to come...
Now, I had to be annoying...I was in the turn lane and Alex was at a stop light. We pulled up beside him, stopped, and I hung out the window to get a picture. If you look closely, you can see that he has covered his face....but he is grinning!!.....AND I heard his small laugh. He has a great laugh! Watch out Memphis moms of teen girls! He will be a heart breaker!!!
Well, you survived my longest blog post deserve a brownie....
....loved it all as usual !! pics too of course !! and Yes , thank you Lord for the blind ,deaf and mute guys who married our girls!!! bahahahahah!! yo momma...(HUGS))))
ReplyDeleteHa! This made me laugh out loud! And THANKS for garnering the prayer support! I need all the help I can get! (and B may find himself graduating from a nice boarding school ;) )
ReplyDeleteMAZ you are so funny or maybe its your migraine medicine. I really enjoy reding your thoughts. Love you, Dad
ReplyDeleteOops, I meant reading your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteWhere is my brownie?