Last night I went to the best concert I have been to in a long time.
The first act was Amy LaVere. She plays the upright bass and I don't exactly know how to describe her style of singing. I LOVE it. She has an "old" voice....bluesy....jazzy.....different
All her songs tell a story. The lyrics are great. One of my favorite songs is Killing Him. It is taken straight from the Memphis news. A lady killed her husband of 30 years. Stabbed him. As the police were carrying her off in handcuffs, she yells at the camera "killing him didn't make the love go away!" Amy wrote a great song from this....
I loved watching the drummer. He looked at her with a happy, appreciating grin. He did an excellent job and got into the music. The guitarist cracked me up. He was very talented but never had an expression on his face and often looked like a zombie! He did an excellent job! I stared at him to catch an occasional glimpse of his eyes or upper lip groove to the music.....
Amy had such a great stage presence! She is so beautiful, classy, excellent musician.....just perfect!!
This is Amy doing a sound check and LOOK.....that is my new friend Paul. You read about him in my latest blog post!! (Amy is looking right at me!....hee hee hee)
I love watching Amy play and sing. When she starts a song, she does this march type thing then sways her hips and really gets into the song. You must go hear her on June 30th at the new Playhouse On The Square. She is going to have a horn section and strings......I am so excited!!
Amy has lived in Memphis for the past 11 years. Someone she knew brought her a Pink Panty Pulldown (drink). She laughed and said she would drink it because "when in rome...." AND since she was playing at the Italian Festival she wanted to drink their drink. Then she said she was a tiny bit afraid and drank it.....30 minutes later, someone yelled "do you need some water?" (because it was so hot and humid). Amy said "no I have a Pink Pully Pantdown" and then had a confused look and then laughed and said "well I guess it is working!"

After her set, Amy came back out on the stage to pick up some of her cords. I asked her if she minded if my husband took our picture. She said "Gosh, NO!" So then I said, "I write a blog, could I post it on my blog?" Amy said, "Sure! I am not vain!!" Then she jumped off the stage and we put our arms around each other. She said "Oh no!! I am sweatier than you!!" I said, "Good Lord, I am fatter than you!"
I bet after she reads my blog she will want me to be her professional double!!! We have the same hair style, shirt color.....everything......RIGHT????? (gritting teeth, bugging eyes)
The next set was JASON D WILLIAMS. Let me start by saying......both my boys have been wanting to play the piano. I have been trying to work this out. If I knew of a piano teacher that would teach the boys how to play like JD.....then I would sell everything I had for them to start tomorrow!
One thing I really loved about his concert last night was how he would occasionally play a montage of songs and throw some classical pieces in as if to say "see, piano snobs, I can play this too!"
He is very talented. He has a great time and he puts on a fabulous show!! I loved him, my boys loved him, the crowd loved him......and he loves him....ha ha ha...
Have you ever tried to write upside down or backwards? Can you imagine playing the piano like this?
or this?
At one point he jumped off the piano and then crawled under the guitar player's legs......
Here are several things I heard from people last night.....Jason D Williams is Jerry Lee Lewis's illegitimate son, Jason D did all the piano playing in the movie Great Balls of Fire, Jason D is kin to Jimmy Swaggart........
Here is what I observed last night.......every woman that walked by the stage, Jason D looked her up and down like she was a piece of meat......disgusting like a pervert!
THUS......I did not attempt to get my picture made with him!!
Music is very important to both Jeff and I. We have given this to our boys and our boys took it to another level. Max plays the trumpet and Jack plays the clarinet. Jeff and I our thankful that our boys have the same taste in music too!! I see a future filled with concerts YIPEEEEEEEEEEE
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