Tomorrow starts the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year for me!!
From November 24th to December 24th, I am filled with great JOY!!! It hasn't always been that way. When I was in school, I had to worry about school work. When I worked an actual JOB, I had to worry with going to the JOB....But now that I stay home with the kids and we do school in the home, I can actually enjoy the entire season!!
I just have a few tiny complaints like:
* the radio Christmas songs....there are many rock groups that have redone Christmas songs, yet the radio station that does the holiday music 24/7 plays the same songs over and over and they are the BAD country or the BAD r&b (and I am not knocking r&b) or they play the horrible songs with the dying mother who for some reason needs new shoes.....
The one that makes me cry is actually a great song by the fabulous B.B. King. There is one line that says "it takes 6 months to pay the whole thing off"...He is talking about buying everyone what they want for Christmas and doing Christmas up the right way but then it takes the next 6 months to pay it all off.....
I cry because I think he wrote this when he was poor and he could still pay off his credit card in 6 months.....I think it took me 5 years! I should have played the guitar instead of teaching!!
WARNING: I may lose most of my readers on the next 2 complaints....just keep in mind that you either don't know me and read for some weird keep reading!! OR you love me and should love me unconditionally...OR you KNOW me so never take me too seriously!!
*December a depressing day...the presents are over in minutes and for a female adult that means cleaning and cooking is left for the rest of the day....and for me that AIN'T fun!! I do like watching my children play but truthfully I don't get anything and I don't get to play so I clean up the paper, start laundry if needed and cook breakfast or whatever for the lunch that day.....
*December 25th on a Sunday......yea, I heard you gasp...but I don't like going to church on Christmas puts a kink in things! For one, my kids are usually sick anyway....And any of you that can say your kids happily go to church and leave their toys...."good for you"....
Now, I don't need a sermon......and I don't want to hear about how creative you are in bringing the REAL meaning of Christmas....I realized I was slipping in that department the year I found Max with the nativity scene spread out under the tree, hot wheels mixed in and the shepherds carrying machine guns.
* one more downer for me is when the Memphis weather ruins it all by staying in the high 50s or must be in the low 50s or cooler...
Good thing I am not high maintenance!!! AM I RIGHT????
old pic of the boys decorating my mom's tree at her old house one year when I was teaching in the school system!!
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