I amuse myself!
I am also very content to stay at home and never go anywhere!!
So, isn't it great that I entertain myself???
However, this becomes a problem when me and my sense of humor go out in public.
I got a mammogram yesterday. It wasn't my first. I had one when I was 21. That was so long ago that I didn't really remember the experience. Both my mom and my maternal grandmother had breast cancer so with that history......I now get mammograms...
Well, I assume my male readers have logged off and maybe some of my female readers that know I give too much info....
Anyway, yesterday....
Well, with it being the holiday season, I have watched the movie Elf about 10 times already in the past month! There is a scene where they are talking about a "Christmasgram" (where someone dresses up and sings or says something to you at your workplace, etc...) Elf, the naive main character, says "mmmm, Christmasgram, that sounds yummy! I want one!" or something like that.....
I get into the room and start chatting it up with the technician. She is about my age and we are talking about my medical history, my husband's job, my kids, what I used to do for a job, and she kind of has my sense of humor.....sort of..... She is really nice and funny. I step over to the machine and she says "well let's start the mammogram!" Without thinking it through....I say "mmm, mammogram, that sounds yummy!" She sort of laughed and said "what?".....I realized immediately that it was not appropriate and it would take way too long to explain which takes the "funny" away! But I had to explain so they would not add to the red flags that I am sure are already in my file!
OK, so now the mammogram is underway and she says "I am sorry! I am not explaining what I am doing....I got carried away talking to you." I told her it was fine. I knew what to expect and then I told her about Jeff's job (if you readers don't know what Jeff does....ask me later....If I explain now, it will just make this story longer). She commented on how interesting his job would be and then said "my husband thinks I have a great job! Squishing boobies all day." Well, this made me laugh because I knew what she meant but it really made her husband sound like a violent man! So I said "Really, ouch!"....But I grinned. Then she felt uncomfortable which made me feel better about my Elf comment!! She tried to make things better by saying "I don't see it that way! I see it as helping people!" I told her I knew what she meant......but I was grinning on the inside. I wasn't the only weirdo in the room!
Then it was time for me to get dressed. I was in the dressing room and she was talking to me while I was getting dressed.
I said, "where are the new bras?"
"where are the new bras?"
She says "what new bras?"
I said, "well the one I came with is for round boobs, but you formed mine into plus signs so I assume you are giving out new bras!"
All was quiet, I was dressed and opened the door. She was smiling from ear to ear.
"Margaret, you will be fine.....whatever the results! You have a great sense of humor!"
WHEW! I was not pegged as a weirdo!
I have to go through all this again soon. They found a ton of calcium deposits and growths in both breasts......It is all probably just normal findings, but they need a "base".... something to go on for all the other mammograms! BUT I think I will keep my mouth quiet for the ultrasounds and second diagnostic mammograms.
By the way.....I must be making a new holiday tradition! It was this time last year that I was having multiple tests done for bladder cancer. That was ruled out and I was just cleared from my 3 month visits last month!
I don't care for this type of holiday tradition! I will stick with rockin' around the Christmas tree!
that is too funny!!!!!
I look forward to reading your Blog. I will never be surprised at what you post. Love you, DAD