I watched season one of Drop Dead Diva.
It is about a twenty-four year old, blond, skinny, female, model. One day she is driving to an interview to be on a game show and runs into a produce truck (in her convertible) and dies. She gets to heaven, she is mad, she hits the return button on the angel's computer (without permission) and it shoots her back to earth into a 32 year old, smart, female, fat, lawyer that is in the hospital with a gunshot wound. So now you have a funny law show about a full-figured, smart lawyer with a soul of a fashion smart, skinny blond inside of her. It is entertaining. Not looking for any emmys.
It got me thinking. What would be the worst scenario for me? The easiest would be for me to take the spiritual route. I am a christian so I could easily pick any life that would be anti-christian......so we won't go there. That is too easy. Deb (the main character) was skinny and shallow but did not realize her "flaw" until she was forced to walk around in Jane's body. I am a neat freak, a clean freak....these things I know about myself.....I wonder what I would find out about myself if I had to walk around in another life, another body............I don't like ANYTHING.....so then I wondered...how do I walk around in my life and my body???
Then I realized....I don't think I am supposed to.....Jane was happier than Deb because she was helping others. The focus was off of herself. That is when I am the happiest. When I am not thinking about me, I am the happiest.
I am still thinking about this one but the worst that could happen to me is if I was put into someone like Deb! A girl who was always looking in the mirror, wearing make up, shopping, up on fashion, spending money on clothes, purses, jewelry, perfume, etc...Do you know that we only have one mirror in our house? AND it is the mirror on the medicine cabinet!......well, yea....you guys have to look at us...I guess you DO know.....
What is the worst that could happen to you???..............please don't say taking over MY life and body...that would be rude!
Food for thought.......hmmmmmm