Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a need for every teenage boy....

" I have a cell phone???"

we take the boy shopping and find just what he needs!!!

The Classic Reel Mower

I had actually planned to spend Jeff's hard earned money on paint for my cover up a previous "fix it...home improvement job"...or carpet to cover the nasty "Brady Bunch linoleum" that I have been living with for 11 years....or put the money toward roofing our leaky house...or.....

You know how it goes...every time we get that "extra" money...someone breaks an arm or needs surgery or something else in the house falls apart...

This was the lawn mower.

Jeff went out to get the lawn mower ready for spring....before he leaves for his next big trip.
Our old lawn mower, that we "borrowed" from my dad 11 years ago....decided to take a break this year....

Jack is taking over the yard work, so we decided to go with the Classic Mower!! 
.....builds strength
.....builds character
.....lower phone bills
.....too tired to be naughty

I am excited about mowing the lawn this year! It will be quiet! I can sit on my swing with my ice tea and enjoy watching my

AND if we like this new mower..... we have enough money left over to buy the smaller one for my younger son.....DOUBLE TREAT!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Paula Dean is worried about my sons

Remember the research paper my boys were doing??? Well, the paper and a couple of other things take about 3 weeks....stick 2 weeks of spring break in the middle.....I need to check out the books again.

I took the big stack of books to the library....carried it up to the lady....

supposed to be quiet in the library right???

I quietly hoist my stack on the counter...

me: "excuse me" I look to the right of the stack....the lady looks to the left...
me: "excuse me" I look to the left of the stack....the lady looks to the right...
me: (not sure where to look) "excuse me....(right, left) can i check these out again?"

I hear a loud cackle and I look around for Paula Dean....then I look up and see the librarian peering over the stack of books......she loudly says..


i shake my head no...


she scans the card.....


then she peered over the stack and over her glasses.......not kidding...


i was amused by this

me: (refusing to speak loud in a library) "my son's teacher is very difficult but he is top in his class and actually top in his school. he is the only one in his whole grade expected to do this report. i am positive he will get it done on time."

She looked at me with awe. "What school?"

me: "It is a private school. Ziegenhorn School for the gifted. It is college prep."

lady: "oh! yes! "

She handed me back the books and wished me a "Lovely Day" out for Paula Dean at the Main Library....she is very friendly, loud and worried about your students!!!........and now me......


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are you there God? It's me MAZ.....

I have been watching a load of movies while I have been sewing the past few days. Even though they have been a wide range of genres, they all have had a common theme. Looking for comfort in all the wrong places. Of course it is easy to watch a movie and say "stupid, that won't make you happy" or "stupid, you are so selfish"......Just like when you watch scary movies and you are thinking "don't go in there!" and yet when you are home alone....what do you do? YOU GO IN THERE!

I believe the Bible, and God tells us in the Bible that he will provide all our needs. He does not tell us he will give us our wants. AND he does not tell us what our needs may be....

So I have been wondering.....If I was a movie, what would you be saying to me?

I have an idea............

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 18, 2011

MARCH 18, 2011

This is a day that I realized many things:

It may LOOK like we live in a smaller house, on a smaller lot, in a smaller neighborhood.....but we actually live on 256 acres.....

We raked and bagged 56 bags of leaves.............I love my 2 HUGE trees that keep my house cool in the summer.....I love watching the leaves fall in the autumn........I HATE CLEANING UP THE YARD!!

While trying to finish the yard, we had to take a break and watch the Memphis Tiger / Arizona game. It was EXCITING....but I also realized.....Memphis would not be the National Champions...not this year!!

And late that night, we got a message with some info that is not mine to give at this moment....if you are a regular might understand my realization.....something happened (18 days late) BUT...
I'm gonna need to make a bigger quilt!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BBQ and basketball!!! Oh YEA BABY!!!

My favorite time of year........MARCH MADNESS.......which seeps into April....but that is just the obsessive compulsive in me.....I will let that go...

Anyway....the party began last night at our house!!!

Thankfully, Jeff went to college for 8 years so that we can have this...
any size bracket....done on any board....printed anyway we want!! I did ask that it be smaller than our couch THIS year....It is sponsored by La Quinta, and USA Today.

The four of us draw poker chips out of a can (with pre-printed numbers/regions/seeds) it is the luck of the draw as to which 16 teams we get!! Of course in our family we are all hoping to get Memphis and I was hoping to get Florida!!

If you are left with the championship team, what do you get??? The choice of where the family eats dinner!! (that is a big used to be $5). 

This adds extra fun to cheering for and against teams because.....

Jack chose Taco we are all cheering AGAINST all of his teams.

Jeff drew all crappy teams....but he will be traveling and miss most of March madness just like the last 5 years.....(insert eeyore noises and voice).

Max drew 8 of the top seeded teams (including Florida) and he chose Mosa. One of my favorite Asian restaurants!! I will be cheering for most of his teams....

  I GOT Memphis..... WOO HOO!!! 

This year will be the first that a #12 wins the Championship and all of you can meet me at Salsa for the best tacos in Memphis!!!

This evening is treated with as much anticipation as Christmas morning and we started it out right with BASKETBALL GAME food!!! 

NOOOOO not hotdogs....not popcorn......We live in MEMPHIS!!!!

Cubed cheese tossed in Rendezvous seasoning.........

Three Little Pigs BBQ (yummy, close to home and least expensive) over nachos 
(sweet tea for me and beer for Jeff)
photos do not look good but it was FABU!!!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Should I see a doctor??

Do you think I should have a doctor take a look at my feet?
I just went on my first "tent camping" trip and I froze my feet off!

Me and my 3 favorite guys went to 

This place has a big hill and a pond.....

Just arrived! I am happy.....just wait...more pics to come....

The guys were having to look for firewood and there was hardly any!! The little they found was rotten and wet!!  

While the guys went WAY off to find downed trees and drag or carry them back to camp, this guy pulled up in his truck. He was leaving and asked me if I wanted his leftover wood that he BROUGHT WITH HIM....
I could not wait for the guys to see what I had "found" and "cut" while they were gone! MWHAHAHAHA!!

We hiked all day friday. I became very aware of my lungs, thigh muscles, every bone in my feet (there are more than they tell you in the science books!), my ankles, knees, we headed back to camp to start the fire for warmth and dinner.....I started to realize......I will be sleeping in COLD and HARDness and probably NOT sleep and then get up and hike all day AGAIN......I am going to break into tiny pieces....

The sun went down and I sat ON the fire, inhaled the smoke, started layering, and still I was 13 year old looked like this.....

he IS happy..... I SWEAR!

Max was having a blast! loved camping, hiking, eating!!! 

He even slept well....and cozy!

This is the beginning of the end for me!!! I lost my feet shortly after this picture was taken and then we hiked 257 trails the next day!!

We hiked to this tower so Jeff could do this....

Check the Memphis basketball score!

My body hurt so bad I could hardly move....but we had to hike "just one more trail"......then all of a sudden.....

I have never been so happy to see this in all my life!

We used this as an excuse to turn around and leave! It was getting late and we had about a 2 hour drive ahead of us....
Anybody know what kind this is???
Did we let a 6 foot garden snake turn us back home or did we choose wisely??

I don't really care because I was about to curl up right beside him!!

I feel that I learn something new with every road trip....
Several old TVs make a good roadblock!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

sea cucumbers fighting pirates?

School time...

I am sitting on the couch. (ok, I admit...laying down and wrapped in a blanket!)

Max says, "mom, I need to tell you what I just read in Science."

I move my head to let him know I am listening.

He starts telling me about sea cucumbers and how they defend themselves by vomiting out their insides. Then these pirates come and start fighting with swords and the ship sinks......and......wait...what?...

" you sleeping?"

Of course not! You said that they do that to defend themselves and that was better than.....

"Mom, you were sleeping!"

I hope I was sleeping or I seriously made a mistake in the curriculum I purchased! Or did I?? It sounded very interesting!! It wasn't scientifically right but it sure was entertaining!! Max said he did not say those things......

I think I am getting old. I still have not bounced back from being sick....or maybe I am lazy....or maybe I need to exercise....NOOOOOOOOOOO! That is never the answer!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

First place the Ghostbusters went!!!!

They look so studious!
don't judge a book by it's cover......

Well....MAX was studious!! HE got his work done!! He got all his notes for his biography report!! HE read his articles, got his books, did his work.....

I am not sure why he was so focused today...

Jack .....well........and I did not help........ The distractions were abundant!! 

Please forgive me as I reveal my maturity (or lack) and what makes me laugh (as if my regular readers don't already know!!)

I am the person at a funeral that laughs at inappropriate things....
I am the person that laughs at politically incorrect things in public places!!!

For instance, there was a precious, elderly volunteer at the library. She was on a scooter and had an oxygen tank. I was not laughing at HER. I was not laughing at her physical issues or medical issues.

What made me laugh???

Well, if you place me in a situation where you must remain quiet and then add repetitive, odd noises.....I am going to get the giggles.....just like a kid.....and then add my 13 year old son giving me odd looks.....WORSE!

We are all sitting at the table. I am quietly trying to explain to Jack a few things about research papers.

I hear a whoosh....whoosh...whoosh.....

I stop whispering. I look at Jack. We bug our eyes.  The noise stops.

I start whispering again.....the noise starts again.....I stop....I look at Jack....EYES.....noise stops.....

I starts.....I start silently giggling....

I look around....the lady in the scooter with the oxygen tank is sneaking up on us.....

I turn back to Jack.....try to ignore....whoosh....whoosh....whirrrrrrr............

Then she laughs.....I look at her....

"Oh, I was reading the back of his t-shirt.....cute!".....WHIRRRRRRRRRR....she speeds off.

For a brief moment, it was like a scene out of a horror movie. If it had been raining outside, I would have expected to be stabbed by an elderly lady on oxygen in a scooter!

Needless to say, Jack took longer to get his work done......a picture of him being studious???
I have a picture of him watching a strange man on the cell phone....

It also took Jack and I a few minutes to figure out why Nero was not in this Encyclopedia.....we were confused. At first I thought it might be a geography encyclopedia (no logical explanation for that suggestion)......then after a few minutes it dawned on me as to why I could not read it.....


Still doesn't explain why Nero wasn't in it....Annie Oakly was!!

Well after almost 3 hours....Jack finally finished his work and we left. We brought home several books for them to use at home.

I just have to share with you a quote from one of Max's books for Julius Caesar:

"Romans, Lock your wives away! Here comes the bald seducer! He's no sex symbol, but Caesar has sex appeal. His soldiers call him 'the bald seducer'--the hairless hunk, if you will."

Max wasn't too excited about this one......I thought some of it looked quite entertaining!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My first 5K

I got up at 6am......I headed to my first 5K!!

It was pouring rain and freezing!

I wore my garden boots.........

oh yea.....did I job was to stand, shiver and cheer the runners!!

You thought I was IN the race.....HA!!! I ate a donut before the start and a fried chicken biscuit at the end....and I sipped my sweet tea while "they" ran.....

As I drove home I realized how exhausting it was to shiver, stand and watch the runners!! WHEW! what a morning!!

I was so proud of this year's first annual 5k Miles for Mercy. It is a fund raiser for the Mercy Ministry.

I was impressed when I saw a group running TO the race.....It was a chore just to get in my car and drive the 3 minutes! 
My son was volunteering with his mission team and had to arrive at 7:30am. The race started at 9am. I had shin splints by 8:45 from dancing to the music.

I was so excited to stand in the middle of a major intersection, hear the gun fire, see the people run and feel a different thrill than when I have been in previous gun/running people situations! 

I was so excited to be a part of this race! The part that walked across the street to wait for the end!.....

FIRST PLACE!!! (I don't know him)

I am afraid to post pics of people that I know....without asking them...because some people lead private lives....NOT ME!!!

However....not these two people!!

My favorite people in the whole world.....
Pastor Ricardo Green and his wife Reyna
They put up with me when I led the children's ministry for Su Casa. Reyna now leads the children's ministry and Ricardo is the pastor of Esperanza church. 
Ricardo believes that I will one day learn Spanish....I believe that one day he will understand that I am special.....

Friday, March 4, 2011

awww...I miss it....NO! I DON'T!!

Early this morning I was forced to use the public library (read You are touching poo and boogers ).

The cutest little 3rd grader asked me for help. She started telling me about her troubles with a bully at her school. She also told me her opinion of all teachers and how horrible they were. Especially her teacher that was making her do a report on weather. I told her that I understood because I used to teach.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped opened. "YOU? you were a teacher?.....but you are not ugly!"

All of a sudden this beautiful, intelligent princess of a girl became my favorite little girl in the whole world!

"Thank you! I guess I quit teaching before I became ugly." I said.

As I drove home from the library I thought about this precious gem of a student and how I might miss teaching in the school......

SUDDENLY....out of the corner of my eye....I saw two high school girls making their way down the sidewalk toward the intersection. My light turned red. I watched as they slapped at each other. They were in city school uniform and they were walking away from the campus of a city high school. I observed that it was 10am and they were possibly trying to skip school. I also noted that they were tall, large ladies with tight tanks and tight capri pants with underwear and skin hanging out of....every area....maybe they were being sent home.....

POW! one girl punched the other girl square between the eyes and she landed in the street....right in front of me. The "hit" girl jumped up and punched the first girl in the face. They both landed in the street IN FRONT OF ME...punching the crap out of each other, kicking, cursing, rolling in the busy traffic.....

Now...let me inform you....I taught at a high school....when fights would happen in the,TEACHERS,....would keep walkin' don't don't get involved. The fighters can't hear you.....the fighters can't be stopped....the fighters don't care! You get the cop!.....and there is always a weapon!

So what did I do today?
1. I could not move my car because they were laying in front of it....
2. I rolled down my window and yelled "ladies, stop!" (very effective........)
3. "I'm calling the cops!" (they cared.....)
4. I got out of my car, with my phone....(very smart....)

At this point, I got a better look at the two LARGE fighting girls. They had gang tats.
As soon as I jumped out of my car, 4 other cars stopped and 2 men and 2 women jumped out. One of the men, to protect me, jumped between me and the girls and started yelling at the fighters.

I believe we all saw the gang tats.....I wish you could have seen our faces!
One of the ladies that jumped out of her car got our her grandmama voice and flew into these two young fighters. She was yelling as loud as they were and using some nasty language. One fighter ran into the neighborhood. The other fighter ran back toward the school. We all got back into our cars and drove away. We were all shaking our heads.

Neither fighter pulled a weapon.

HOWEVER....if they would have had to come out of a crevice or body part and I would have had to inquire first "where did that come from....and could you please clean that before you shoot or stab me!!"

As I drove away shaking like a leaf......because I knew how stupid I had been.....I thought
"I do NOT miss teaching!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

HEY!....come back here!

I sat at a table tonight in my church. The purpose was simple. As people walked by to get their food, I would seek out the women and ask "are you interested in this year's Women's Retreat?" or "it is time for the Women's Retreat, have you signed up?".

I was not asking them to volunteer for a job or give money or even leave on the bus at that exact moment. I just wanted them to start thinking about the retreat that is a month away....
Most were interested or already signing up online...however....

Some adult women practically ran away from me. They gave me strange looks.

What intrigued me were the ones..... that instead of simply saying "no".....they said strange things like:

"oh, I am not here for that...." (really? I know you are here for dinner....not the retreat)

"I am over here.." (what does that mean? walk 2 steps over here and then you will be at my table)

I started yelling after them....I see you running around the corner...."don't forget! It is April 8-10!" or "What do you mean you aren't here for that? You are at church for fellowship...right? Well you can rest and fellowship and eat all you want at the retreat....APRIL 8-10!!!" they are speed running with their cane and walker.....

I am supposed to sit at the tables for the next few Sundays but I may be asked to step down from this volunteer position.......not sure why.....these people need to face their issues!