Sunday, March 13, 2011

Should I see a doctor??

Do you think I should have a doctor take a look at my feet?
I just went on my first "tent camping" trip and I froze my feet off!

Me and my 3 favorite guys went to 

This place has a big hill and a pond.....

Just arrived! I am happy.....just wait...more pics to come....

The guys were having to look for firewood and there was hardly any!! The little they found was rotten and wet!!  

While the guys went WAY off to find downed trees and drag or carry them back to camp, this guy pulled up in his truck. He was leaving and asked me if I wanted his leftover wood that he BROUGHT WITH HIM....
I could not wait for the guys to see what I had "found" and "cut" while they were gone! MWHAHAHAHA!!

We hiked all day friday. I became very aware of my lungs, thigh muscles, every bone in my feet (there are more than they tell you in the science books!), my ankles, knees, we headed back to camp to start the fire for warmth and dinner.....I started to realize......I will be sleeping in COLD and HARDness and probably NOT sleep and then get up and hike all day AGAIN......I am going to break into tiny pieces....

The sun went down and I sat ON the fire, inhaled the smoke, started layering, and still I was 13 year old looked like this.....

he IS happy..... I SWEAR!

Max was having a blast! loved camping, hiking, eating!!! 

He even slept well....and cozy!

This is the beginning of the end for me!!! I lost my feet shortly after this picture was taken and then we hiked 257 trails the next day!!

We hiked to this tower so Jeff could do this....

Check the Memphis basketball score!

My body hurt so bad I could hardly move....but we had to hike "just one more trail"......then all of a sudden.....

I have never been so happy to see this in all my life!

We used this as an excuse to turn around and leave! It was getting late and we had about a 2 hour drive ahead of us....
Anybody know what kind this is???
Did we let a 6 foot garden snake turn us back home or did we choose wisely??

I don't really care because I was about to curl up right beside him!!

I feel that I learn something new with every road trip....
Several old TVs make a good roadblock!


  1. Ahhhhh Big Hill Pond!!!

  2. Oh Margaret I can just see you jogging up that Big Hill after a lazy breakfast by the Big Pond.
    Our family also went camping one time and only one time! Now Uncle Tom likes to camp at the Hampton Inn with hot water, A/C or heat and their free breakfast.
    Aunt Delores

  3. i am sorry to be rude but i will.... I have a thing about grammar going to hell in a handbasket, so when i read "Me and my 3 favorite guys" i heard the sound of fingernails on a chalk board. Please, you are killing me, first with hilarious posts and now the "me and my".......(hee, Hee)-Teresa

  4. you are so right.....

    me's and my's 3 favorite guys.....

    what would I do without my OLDER sister :)
