I enjoy making final exams. I collect important facts from the entire year and create my own final exam. Because I am a teaching, teachery, teacher (a curse.....and a blessing)......
ANYWAY..one of my favorite things about making finals....not only do you put questions like
1. Beginning from the shore out to the deep, what are the 4 zones of the ocean floor?
32. What are the 5 stages of a typical fish's development?
213. What is the main difference between bivalves and gastropods?
428. Draw a lobster and label its anatomy.....
BUT...you can throw in questions like:
649. How did the starfish and the sea urchin pay for their lunch?
mwahahahahha...I love running the entire school system!!
Max loves science and finishes a weeks worth of work in 2 days if I don't watch him carefully....
Meaning he will do all of science and save all other subjects until he finishes the WEEKS worth of science material....except the science projects....it takes longer to grow things, explode things, etc...
The "portfolio" project I chose for this book was the Ocean Box because it was "art".
Each lesson he had to make the creature(s) that he studied and fix it to the box. I did not give any directions. He chose the materials.......even after the first week....when we realized that they were going to continue to "fall", "break", etc......he stuck to his plan!! This FRAGILE ocean box has been carefully moved from kitchen table to mud room and back again since September. Many creatures have shattered, been rebuilt.....and then sometimes....after I put the grade in the book.....and both of us frustrated....we left their remains in the "ocean".....just like LIFE....and they were not reborn!!
Please gently slip into your diving bell and don't tilt!! Don't touch any of the creatures! And no peeing!
I love how he had them going out of the ocean to the top of the water (above the box).
Can you spot the turtle (side), manatee (side), nudibranch (under manatee), snake (side), narwhal (top), octopus (side/corner), and a plesiosaur (um, can't miss it!)?
In this area, can you spot the silver hammer head? the sea urchin? sea anemone? sponge? coral reef?
purple marine flat worm? lobster? crab? "attacked" starfish?
In this area, observe the jelly fish calmly floating while the school of fish hurry to class! (har har)
As you ascend back above the water, marvel at the beach bummed, humpback whale and the clam sticking out its "tongue" (foot) at the sting ray!
Here is a walrus! HOLY COW.....hp and office are floating in the water!!!
......and of course, my favorite!! the squid!! EYE like his eye!! CUTE!!!....but I think he left a trail of something close to the camera....swim away!!!
answer: ......with a sand dollar
Wow! this is fantabulous!! I have seen this in person and Max has done a very professional job!.secretly ,I am glad he is finished,because , yes! he loves this stuff and he loves to tell me what he is learning!...You don't even want to know what is floating in the air..........yuck!! Good job to the Ziegenhorn School for the Gifted...run by the gifted and treacherous (giggle ) teacher and principal and school board,etc......WAY TO GO Max! ATTA BOY!!! (by the way , I love to hear what the kids are learning......truly.....just, Max does like to share the yucky! ....(Grandmother,smiling and happy to be sharing in this sweet life!!)