I was surprised at all the emails, messages, phone calls and comments after my post about the last visit to Max's doctor! I thought maybe everyone had "seen" enough of my posting about Max's illness so I tried to do a quick "wrap it up" post. I am afraid it was too vague!
Several of you were concerned that the doctor felt that there was not anything wrong with Max, that nothing could be done for Max, or some were just confused...
I understand! When I left the doctor, I was very emotional. I was tearful.
I am stressed, tired, confused....and as I said in the other post...uncomfortable!
I want a diagnosis, a name, some meds (for Max, not me....well?) and a time frame of when this will be over!
The doctor told us that if Max was a girl, it would be easy. He MIGHT be able to tell us that it MIGHT be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The symptoms might fit but it is common in girls and RARELY if EVER found in boys.
He also told us to look for a couple of other symptoms if Max gets ill again. I have not noticed the symptoms in previous "episodes", but I will look! If these symptoms show, then it could be several other things he mentioned. (the names are too big for me to remember or spell)
All the illnesses he mentioned are not serious but they are illnesses that would stay with the individual!
The doctor told us how to deal with an individual that has a reoccurring illness:
*don't stay up late
*don't sleep late
*don't pamper them
*make them go on with life as well as they can
I already do these things because I am high-strung and type A! He joked about this with me....I actually think he was making fun of me and I told him "to watch it!"
I want to share the following with my readers in case you are going through the same sort of trials....
God is not only allowing Max's illness this year, but he has allowed our family to be uncomfortable in many other ways. Nothing tragic or huge, but enough for us to know that WE are not in control and WE can not help ourselves. At first, I threw a pity party (and from time-to-time I still do) BUT I have seen a HUGE change in the lives of both of my boys. Jeff and I have TOGETHER given our concerns to God and as a family we pray TOGETHER for our needs!
I would not trade this year for anything!
The boys have learned by example what God has asked a working man to do, a husband to do, a father to do....(because Jeff puts God first!)
The boys have learned (by me saying Don't Do As I Do, Do As the Bible says) what a wife should do, a mother should do......because I act first and think later, then pray later...then have to go back and apologize and tell the kids what SHOULD have been done....they are getting used to me :/
Those of you that know me.....I don't like gettin' "all spiritual talk".....but I Need my Lord...I love my Lord.....
I have to give back "my control" to Him minute by minute!