Sunday, September 18, 2011

my new obsession

What began as a minor inconvenience, then quickly was realized "no problem at all!"...has become my new fun obsession!

I wasn't going to tell anybody for fear that everyone would think I was strange...

...but then I remembered..."I AM CLASSIC MAZ"

I have blogged about diarrhea, sinus infections, visits to my obgyn, and every single flaw I have!!!

This is me in my new daily routine! I know! I look great in my new long legs and blond hair!!

OK, here it name is MAZ and:
I look forward to the washing machine finishing its job so that I can figure out the best and most efficient way to hang each article of clothing and each towel or linen...

Hanging each article, rotating them, figuring out the puzzle...I am trying to find the fastest way to get them to dry! It is exciting!


Our oven quit working in the spring...I have not found the joy of cooking quite so entertaining because I have always hated cooking! 
BUT I really have not missed my oven that much....because I am not a cook!
We have been able to fix our meals on the grill, in the crock pot, toaster oven and on the stove!!

I share these two "inconveniences"...not to say "whaa whaa, poor me!" but, to either encourage someone in my same situation...OR to alert others that we Americans really are spoiled!!

I recently made a WANT list and a NEED get my priorities straight!! 

the dryer and the oven ended up on my WANT list and NOT at the top!!

Don't get me wrong! I'll be happy the day I get my oven, and dryer, and ....,....,.!!! BUT because of life choices WE made, we are not able to IMMEDIATELY get what we want....and I think that has stretched us (painfully at times) to be people we might not have become.....

damp, wrinkled, lightly toasted.....but happy!


  1. LOL! You are very funny when you write these adventures that you are experiencing......

  2. I love you wrinkled, short, and toasted! You inspired me!
    Guess who!
