Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday

I am not a shopper.

If I don't have a specific thing to buy or money to spend, then I find shopping to be a frustrating experience. 

EXCEPT the time between Black Friday and Christmas Eve!

I love to be right in the middle of all the holiday shopping!


I love to observe human behaviors.
I love to watch the "Christmas spirit" bring out the interesting behaviors in every person!

(stolen pic)
I observed a mother in Target this afternoon. She had her young son in the cart and she was placing "secret Christmas items" underneath the cart.

Mom: "look at those cookies!"
Son turns away from mom to look where mom is pointing. 
Mom blindly grabs an item and slings it under the cart while her gaze is on her son. Then inevitably she has to buy the cookies that she pointed out because NOW her son is whining for them.
I wondered if she grabbed the right item. She looked at me with panic in her eyes. I smiled and laughed to myself. It must be her first kid. By her second, she will just be buying Christmas right under their noses without any fake distractions or worry! If my kids ever SAW what I was putting in the basket and actually paid attention, they never thought it was for them. I never bought them anything while out shopping! 

I love seeing the dating couple or young marrieds shop together.
The man is either pretending to be interested because he is unsure of their commitment level, or he is naively showing his boredom NEAR the lady.
(stolen pic)
I know when I have found a "seasoned" couple because the man is reading a book at the front of the store (prepared before the trip) and the woman is not in sight!
(stolen pic)

As I stroll through the store calm and happy, I hear the conversations from random shoppers.

Mother yelling at her preteen:
 "I'm tired of you asking for things everywhere you go! Don't you know it is about damn time for Christmas?"--NICE!

Grumpy old man that apparently forgot his book:
 "Why would you spend ten dollars more for the name brand? The kid will never know the difference if you just get this one!"
They were looking at the Disney Cars and he picked up a Matchbox car.
The woman jerked the Matchbox car out of his hand and threw it on the shelf and loaded the cart with Disney Cars. The man swore under his breath, made a comment about her IQ and walked to the next aisle. --MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The other day, we were driving in the worst area to travel in Memphis (near the mall) and I saw some heads bobbing to music. I thought "they are having a fun shopping day".  
I looked to see if they had a religious bumper sticker.

(my pics)

Readers, I want you to remember that if Lord Vader can be happy while shopping at Christmas time, then so can you!

Be of cheer this season! Jesus did not come for toys and clothes. He came for YOU!!


  1. Very well have hit each one of these right on!!
    Luv u

  2. Bwaahhhaaa! But I can't stand shopping at Christmas. It stresses me out to be with the masses. Once a lady cussed me out and flipped me off because she was trying to back out of a parking place and I, seeing that she was NOT going to see me, stopped to patiently wait for her.... Merry Christmas! I'm so glad that Jesus came, though! Imagine this same world minus hope!

  3. no, no...e....McDonald's found a way to put hope inside their happy meals..I heard it on the commercial....saved by McNuggets!!
    HA HA just kidding
