I have a series obsession with Mad Men. NO, I did not spell serious wrong...
I am obsessed with the series, Mad Men.
It is full of horrible, steamy, adulterous, themes...and scenes....
but I am intrigued by the mentality and actions of the 1960 men and women living the upper class city life.
To balance out my educational, anthropological, psychological study of life in the 60s,
I have added The Wonder Years to my "non-thinking" time in front of the TV.
The Wonder Years focuses on the middle class lifestyle in the suburbs.
Things I have learned:
I would have had to hide a cook in the kitchen pantry because there is no way I would cook a big family meal every night....(or ever)
I would cry myself to sleep every night from having to wear all that make-up, fix my hair, and wearing those dresses every day, all day and even to bed....
I WOULD like that they knock you out to have a baby and the men sit in the waiting room.
I WOULD like the cars and houses/condos.
I probably would have had no choice but to be a hippie because I wear glasses, have uncontrollable curly hair, and live in jeans and t-shirts!
(the above pictures are actually Jack dressed as a 1920s gangster...fedora not pictured.... and Max dressed as a 1960s hippie for their Decade Party at camp)
you guys look great!