On Tuesday, I swept Jeff away on an overnight "get away".
OK, I was going out of town overnight for business and I drug him with me.
.....to Clarksville, TN (a whole 3 1/2 hours away)
Now my regular readers know I am grossed out by hotels and public restrooms and...
well anything germy!
So you can imagine my thoughts and actions when I arrived at our hotel and found
yes, it was clean....but hospital themed....really?
Jeff is used to $800 a night luxury hotel rooms so he was a tiny bit out of his element.
I took him to the local eatery, Blackhorse Pub and Grill, so he could calm down and relax.
a lot
we went to the playground by the Cumberland.....
creek?...no, stream....ok...River.....i guess
The next day when I got off work, we set out to see the rest of the town!
This is the Roxy. A friend from college told me about it and I was excited to check it out.
It was closed for the day.
Here's the church.....where's the steeples?
(really cool)
Kids of Clarksville enjoying the summer
We dined like the stars at the famous Frank's Hamburgers "celebrating 30 years serving Clarksville"
The burger was so good, I did not even quit eating when the owner showed me and talked about his missing teeth
(well the gaps)
We stopped in this old place....
There was so much stuff, you would never have enough time to find all the big treasures.
We saw every inch of Clarksville! It was a long but exciting 15 minutes!
On the way back to Memphis, we enjoyed a few hours in the Montgomery Bell State Park
the treasured zombie deer to be found in the park.....
we saw middle Tennesseans practicing for the olympic paddle boat event
Does anyone know where Cumberland Presbyterian started?

Reverand Samuel McAdow came over to the Cumberland area of Tennessee to minister to the pioneers. These people turned from the theology of "the chosen" (predestination) and began following the theology of "whoever comes"......that is the best I can remember from what I read on the plaque...and was confusing since presbyterian is known for predistination...
I wish I had a sound bite for you....
Jeff and I heard one of the coolest sounds EVER!
When we walked by this little church in the middle of the forest, we heard someone preaching. We stood a few minutes and listened as the handful of people began to sing Amazing Grace. It was beautiful to hear due to the acoustics in the tiny stone church.....
THEN we noticed at the same time......it wasn't in English...it was definitely one of the most beautiful "Amazing Grace" I have ever heard but they were singing in a different language! (korean I think)
As we drove through another small town (still heading back to Memphis) we passed a house that made Jeff want to try his hand at "American Pickers"
He did it!
Jeff: "I'll give you $10 for this"
Lady: "I can't do that...it has all of its pieces. I can do $15"
Jeff: "ok!"
Later on the ride home, he told me that he was looking for one more item to "bundle".
I am pretty sure that Mike and Frank would have been proud of Jeff...
This is actually going on my list of a favorite time with Jeff.
THANKS Clarksville, TN!
and Dickson
and Charlotte
and that town with one stop sign!
Great narration! I felt I was there too. So glad you have the gift of writing......seems much better than mine.....gift of GAB...... ; ) momma
ReplyDeleteI stayed in Dickson for 2 weeks with some friends before I moved back to Memphis. It is a cool little town that is growing now. I don't know if I would have enjoyed living there when I was a teen. To easy to get in trouble.