Friday, August 10, 2012

what we saw on the way to breakfast.....

I took the boys to Brother Juniper's for "back to school breakfast" this morning.

(the crazy kids asked to start school this coming Monday instead of waiting for the day after Labor Day)

As we were walking across the parking lot, we all three saw something at the same time.
We slowed our walk simultaneously.  We were proceeding with caution.

From a small distance, and with the sun/shadows, we saw something disturbing, lumpy, black/brown......

We got closer:

Jack:  "oh!  I thought that was a real animal that had been burned!"

Max:  "oh!  I thought that was a burned infant!"

Me:  "I thought it was elephant dung."

Boys turn and look at me like I am crazy.

Me:  "what?"

Jack:  "how could that be?"

Me:  "well......"

I obviously have the best imagination!

1 comment:

  1. yuck! to what you saw and yummy to where you went!
