One of my favorite memories of my childhood involves my dad's creation!
I think I might have been the son my dad never had! ha ha
I loved playing with hot wheels and matchbox cars. One Saturday, my dad used leftover white poster board and the boxes in which they mail your checks. He drew streets on the poster board, cut "doors" in the boxes and created a town for my cars. I LOVED it!! It was time that he spent with me and something he made FOR me. It meant more to me than anything he could have bought me.
My youngest son was sick his first 8 years of life. He had 6 surgeries (ears/sinuses/tonsils/adenoids). When he was so sick and did not feel like getting off the couch, I made a small town on some cardboard from cereal boxes. He would play for hours driving his cars around the streets. He would help me color grass, streets and signs.
This is the first year that Max has not been sick! He remembers the fun hot wheel towns and loves to create bigger ones!
It doesn't take money! Use old poster board, foam board, cardboard, etc. Then use pencils, markers and crayons to decorate your town, farm or city. We also used old check boxes (not as great as the ones in the 80s), old JuicePlus boxes, and food boxes for high rise buildings.
Here is our latest creation!
Very cool, guys!!