Starting the day after Christmas, all the news shows start doing segments on "organization", "fitness and weight loss", etc.................WHY??
Why do people choose to start new things or to start over each new year??
I think it is human nature. We are constantly trying to do the right thing, but we all fail. By the end of the year, most of us have given up. We choose to start over so we can fail again.
There are several things I need to do:
1. Lose 30 pounds. HOW?? by eating smaller amounts and healthier foods AND 30 minutes of walking each day.
2. Get out of the house more. WHY??? I would never leave my house if it wasn't necessary. I hate errands, I hate grocery shopping, I hate leaving the house! This is not mentally healthy.
3. Changing attitude about church. BECAUSE??? I love my preacher. He gives wonderful sermons. I do have some wonderful friends at church. BUT I go to a church with "rich" people with "rich" lifestyles. I think many of them have a different "reality" than me!!
These are the 3 main things I need to change. There is no way I can do these things. I will fail. I will eat well for a month and then cheat. I will exercise for a week and then stop. I will go to church for maybe 3 Sundays in a row and then something will knock me off that "roll".
I would like to make one resolution and I will have to make it moment by moment....each and every day.
#1. When I do "this" or "that", when I make this choice, when I wake up, when I eat........does it glorify God??.........................
2010 will either be exhausting or a deeper relationship with Jesus!..........or both!!
.......and just like 80% of the world.......my thoughts..."can't start the change until 1-1-10!!"
you can do,I have faith in you .You'll make a plan and it will be done! luvu! Momma