Well, our stockings are hung on coat hooks in our dining room......no chimney.......but they were made with love and care!!
I made Jeff a stocking our first Christmas we were married. I have one that my mom made when I was little.
I made Jack's when I was pregnant with him. I made Max's before his first Christmas.
I made Vicki's stocking last month. She digs holes and buries things in the yard, so she got a bone shaped stocking and bones on the Christmas tree.
Jack immediately noticed that the dog's stocking is bigger than the cat's stocking.

Vicki has nosed her way right into all our hearts. Even my tiny Grinch heart!!
I was trying to take a picture of the boys before their concert and she insisted on being in the picture.....
Yes I know the lighting is horrible. We don't have any lights in our living room (2 lamps). Long story.....another blog post!
ahhh! YOU DO HAVE A HEART FOR ANIMALS!! your stockings are beautiful!!! mom