Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What's that smell???

I have a severe problem......

My car smells.
It has smelled for about a month.
The weird thing is a different smell ALMOST every time we get in the car.
It started out as a gym -locker- smelly- feet smell. Max had left his soccer shoes in the car. I took them out.
A week later, the smell was still there but a tiny bit different. It had more of a rotten-smelly-feet stink. I realized that I had a bag of shoes, in the back of the car, to take to the Goodwill. I took it to the Goodwill.
Later, there was a musty-mildew-rotten smell. Our sunroof had leaked so I figured it caused the stench. The area dried.
NOW it has a broccoli-poo smell.

The real kicker?? Tomorrow I will mail the last payment on the car. We will be car payment free for the first time in 5 years!!
And the "newly paid for" car smells like an outhouse!!


  1. hmmmmmm! do you have kleenex or cotton stuck up your nose ??? That happened to one of my kids in the daycare...she smelled awful!! Her Mom was asked NOT to bring her back until she had been to the dr./she had stuck a bean and then a cotton ball up her nose and I guess it had all rotted...something had grown around all that and had to be surgically removed.......when she came back ..all was well except the nickname "stuck"/stinky....check your nostrils--------

  2. oh, yeah, she was only two you!! Mom
