After 40 days, we were able to see Jeff for two nights and one day. He is back in Philly for another "while". I still have normal complaints BUT I have a great man!!!
This pic is Jeff in Philly. 7 days a week he is in front of a computer dealing with lawyers (I might have some lawyer readers so I will keep my opinions to myself) hee hee

2. He reads his Bible daily and seeks wisdom from God and not from man. (he calls the boys and talks to them about what they are reading in their Bibles)
3. He would do anything I ask. (but after 14 yrs I do get some huffs or looks and comments.....and he hates ordering pizza)
4. He never complains or blames the family for not being able to work in his shop when he is in town. (actually the last time he had time to work in his shop....he was in there 10 minutes and we got the call that dad was having a heart ya dad!)
5. He never tells me how to wear my hair, what clothes to wear, to wear make-up, etc. I have friends whose husbands do that....that is odd to me. (lately he did make a comment that I look nice in skirts.....I bought some last week!!)
6. He asks my opinion about finances, job related dilemmas, life questions, etc. He makes me feel smart and needed.
7. He lets me be a stay-at-home-mom and still makes me feel like I am contributing to the famiy.
8. When I weighed 120 lbs, he told me I was beautiful. When I weighed 200 lbs, he told me I was beautiful. I now weigh !$^ lbs and he tells me I am beautiful.......out of the blue!!
9. He is not high-maintenance. I do not have to do anything to keep him happy and content. (well, he doesn't really like my hip hop music or a few of my movies)
10. He risks his life to tell me when I need an attitude adjustment. (at the time I want to kill him.....but later I appreciate it)
Thanks ,,Jeff for being a godly man...and thanks for loving my daughter...(and for keeping her and not trying to return her! snicker!) You are great dad and a pretty super son-in-law ,too. I'm sure you do things and say things to Jeff to cause him to feel smart and needed ,too, and how much you appreciate him for doig what is necessary to take care of you and the boys.. sigh...a mother's dream for her kids!!love you guys..