Saturday, April 17, 2010

Classic MAZ reviews The Road

I live in Memphis. The weather in April can either be cold and snowy, hot and humid, rainy, breezy, miserable or pleasant. It is always a gamble. All last week it was sunny, 80 degrees and shorts weather. Today, Saturday, I sat on the porch in a sweater.....covered with a quilt and finished a book that I started seven days ago. Cormac McCarthy is the author of The Road, Child of God, The Orchard Keeper, Outer Dark, The Stonemason, The Sunset Limited, Suttree, and No Country For Old Men.

I saw the Oscar winning movie, No Country For Old Men. I loved the movie until the end and then I thought "how horrible". It is a dark movie with a "non-hollywood" ending. But weeks later, I decided I really liked the movie.....I really loved the story.

The Road is the only book I have read by Cormac McCarthy. I was hooked from the first paragraph! I love the style of writing. I love the story. It is a dark story of survival in a world of desolation. You follow a loving dad and his young son as they travel alone. Everything is burned. There is nothing left. They are hungry and scared. They are in danger of "bad people" that are also roaming America for "food". There is no hope. What future do they have? As you read you wonder what you might have done in the same situations. I really enjoyed this book. 

My next purchase will be Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. It is based on historical events in the 1850s on the Texas-Mexico border involving a 14 year old Tennesseean kid, Indians, murders, scalps, and America's westward expansion, and the mythology of the "wild west"........sounds great!!!

HOWEVER.....until that next READ......
I am currently reading Jasper FForde, The Big Over Easy. So sit on the edge of your seat waiting for a review but be careful and don't fall like Humpty Dumpty (that's a clue).

1 comment:

  1. really enjoyed your review...your picture is great !! yomomma
