Sunday, December 4, 2011

My sacrifice led to her being a model.....

I knew at an early age that I could crush the opportunities of everyone in my family.

I did not want my family to miss out on talent, smarts or beauty.... I sacrificed my perfection for their future.

I decided to stay short.
I decided to grow hair that would never be tamed.
I decided to wear sweats, t-shirts and jeans...daily....
which would eventually blind me to all fashion sense.

I decided to be happy doing the minimum amount to finish EVERYTHING...

My niece, Nicole, can thank me now...

She is appearing in the December/January issue of Justine Magazine.....GO BUY IT!
(that is not her on the front)

THIS is my beautiful niece!

As I was purchasing my items at Target, the checkerouterlady asked "are you buying the magazine?"
"YES! My niece is in it!" I said excitedly.
But perhaps too excitedly because my outburst earned me a look that you would give a scary, crazy talking, homeless person in a dark alley.

"otherwise, I wouldn't be buying a TEEN magazine", 
the words unfortunately kept diarrheaing out of my mouth....
I turned to the shopper in line behind me..hoping for a smile...
SHE was buying 3 teen magazines....sigh

I finally shut up. HOWEVER, I wanted to tell them how my 17 year old niece is so thoughtful, a really great cousin to my two sons, a smart, mature girl that has a heart for missions, SUPER funny...and gorgeous....

I wanted to open the magazine and show everyone around me all the pages that she "owned" with her brilliance! was raining and cold and I did not want to post about me being escorted out of Target......not this time.

 As I thumbed through the magazine, I saw a story on the "One And Only Queen".

"huh, Nicole must have told them about her favorite", I thought...

I read further..
..."you are pretty stiff, pretty uptight".....

My heart began to beat faster as I searched for my name...or my picture....
WHAT??? dern, they were talking about queen latifah.....


  1. OH!! MY side hurts from laughing!!! You are hysterical!!! Wait! You were escorted from Target??? I was escorted from Booksellers.....I was trying to make everyone look at Nicole's pictures in JUSTINE and Tippy's photo of the bird soap in WHOLE LIVING.....I know the lady though..she is my bookstore friend......ROFLOL !!!! I am sure that article was originally about YOU.....snicker....

  2. :))))))). i love this! thanks SO much for it! LOVE YOU ~rnw

  3. We are so lucky to have beautiful nieces in our family. Nicole did a great job in the magazine, I hope we can find it down here.
    As always you make my day with yor brogs. I love you.
    Aunt Delores
