(some of you have not figured it out yet: click on pics to see better)
Last week, I added some more excitement to my life. Jeff and my closest friends are starting to think I have a real problem.....
needing to rearrange my house and tear down walls or tear up floors.
Since I couldn't keep myself busy enough with teaching.....
I started "working".
I don't have a permanent job..... yet. I am just doing contract work.
Last week was SOOOO exciting and fun!!
I want to share a little of my adventure with you!!
As you all know, Jeff and I have had one car for about a year.
It has not really been a problem...with him traveling and me home schooling...
We plan to get another car once I am permanently working.....
Jeff wants a truck. I would rather have a smart car....boys can run along behind us..
Since Jeff will probably win this argument.....I found a truck I would love.....
(please click on music below for awesome viewing of the above pic)
We had a few EARLY mornings last week....taking Jeff to work before the city woke....

We got behind a construction worker and I was amused by his license plate "ZZZZZ".
He was warning me "when you are out and driving around town at 6am......you will be in a sleep state by 6:30pm!"
On one adventure, I saw this next item and instantly thought of my sister, Polly!
I might have offered the man some money so that I could give her this for Christmas....
BUT she doesn't find "gas" as humorous as I do....
I love it when I pass buses and all the kids look "thrilled". They are staring out the windows like they are in jail....
After seeing the message on the back of the bus, I was confused at how sad they looked. They were headed to college! I thought I was young when I started college at 17yrs.....
They must have not realized that they would be through before they turned 12!
I was not able to get a pic of the last thing that interested me this week...
A boy of about the age of 8 or 9 was shopping with his parents in Target.
He was dressed as an elf.
The overly grown young boy looked exactly like this!.......poor kid!
Sometimes I worry about my kids.....I don't want people to look at my boys and say
"poor kids"...
Now that I plan to work AND home school.....I worried that two working parents could not pull off home schooling...
We went to see one of Max's doctors this week. Both her and her husband work...AND home school their kids!
If doctors can do it...so can we...
Then I worried that my kids would be "neglected" without "momma" nagging them through every moment of life (ha ha).....
I took a pic of my FABULOUS kids before church this morning....
They are definitely independent individuals and are gonna be FINE!
This is my last post until after Christmas!!
Merry Christmas and if I don't come back soon...
Happy New Year!!
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