Saturday, April 21, 2012

DANGER: men at work

I have become a professional at analyzing the male gender.

Whatever a man found funny at age 14, he still finds funny at 53.
Group of men in a meeting.
One man makes a noise.
everyone starts giggling

Whatever a man wore at age 21, he is still trying to wear at age 62.
One man wore a suit from The 1960s.
One man wore a shirt so small,
he could only button the bottom 2 buttons.
His VERY hairy chest spilled out all over the worksite.

Whatever physical activities a man accomplished at age 18, he will still attempt at 30, 40, and 50.
"I tried to jump over that pile of shit and didn't clear it. I sprained my growth! It crazy hurts like fire!"

I'm guessing the pile was not literally poop...
And I'm NOT guessing what The "growth" is.

and my favorite

Junior high boys mercilessly tease and pick at each other
When they are 40-87, they are still picking and teasing each other about the same stupid things.

I am thoroughly and continuosly entertained EVERYDAY.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

blinds do not blind

As I stood in the front window of the office, across the street, and behind the blinds, I watched a man look all around him and then:
worked strenuously to get his underwear out of his butt crack

I am not sure that he succeeded because as he walked out from behind his car (assuming he was hidden) he kicked a leg out with every third step.

I ate my lunch and stared out the window at the beautiful day
 and the man's uncomfortable situation......

I made note to be careful! No picking...anything...

some bored weirdo is always watching

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MAZ is listening

The following are snippets of conversations BETWEEN ADULTS that I am blessed to hear. I am not in the same room as the speakers, so I can only imagine what the heck is going on!!!

"....we were in the movie theater and she (his wife) got cold while nursing the baby. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around her."

Oh good gravy! With my luck, I will be behind the nursing mother, newborn and shirtless dad the next movie I see in the theater.

"....don't hand that to me with doo doo on it."

"I will hand it to you with doo doo on it."

"I will wipe the doo doo on YOU."

I turned and went the other way before coming into view. I did not care to witness the doo doo wiping.

"Look at this! Looky hur!  ( hee hee haw haw)
Idn't that thar the craziest hair you've ever seen?
Crazier than my mamma's backside!"

I admit that I was curious but disturbed about two men looking at a hair...
so I stayed away and wondered if his mamma's backside was hairy or just crazy shaped.

Some of you have asked if I miss teaching.

nope....I am in the same atmosphere

Monday, April 2, 2012

MAZ admits she is old, tired, but happy!

You ever feel like some craziness is running around you? and you might be in mild peril?

But you are just to tired to move?

Well at least watch the can be quite entertaining!