Thursday, April 19, 2012

blinds do not blind

As I stood in the front window of the office, across the street, and behind the blinds, I watched a man look all around him and then:
worked strenuously to get his underwear out of his butt crack

I am not sure that he succeeded because as he walked out from behind his car (assuming he was hidden) he kicked a leg out with every third step.

I ate my lunch and stared out the window at the beautiful day
 and the man's uncomfortable situation......

I made note to be careful! No picking...anything...

some bored weirdo is always watching


  1. Bhahahahahaha!! so true!!! ......and these days you are lucky if you don't show up on someone's FB !!

  2. Thanks for the advice. Who knows whom I'm traumatized over the years?
