Wednesday, July 28, 2010

detox and true love

Earlier this summer, my two sons went to spend a week with Jeff's parents, Jeff was working in town and I was spending the days planning the next school year. I also was detoxing........

I was already off the sodas (because my daily migraine meds cause all carbonated beverages to taste weird). I quit drinking my sweet tea, which contained large amounts of sugar. I quit all exra sugar, salt, etc.

I started drinking only water, eating vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, wild rice, whole grains, salt, no sugar, no caffeine.......

I had horrible headaches/migraines......but I continued to exercise everyday....I did not take any Excedrin OR.....prescription pain killers.....just tylenol!!

I was also reading an awesome book by Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods. I highly recommend it!!

I was also making my "goals and objectives" list for the new year (school year)......

I was also trying to get my priorities straight, pray, search for answers, study, etc.....on being the mother and teacher of 2 boys and transitioning from "controlling" them into "guiding" them!!! (too hard for me!!).........(shhhhhhhh.....I am a control freak.....shhhhhhh)

So as you can imagine........a week of hell!!!

Jeff and I did not fight at all that week. I think I might have been a tad bit tearful (hee hee).....but as you all know, I am extremely open with every thought that goes through my he knew I was struggling!!!

I woke up each morning and went straight to get started on drinking water (lots of water.....all day long)....
This is what I found one morning....

It is a line from a song by the Havalina Rail Co.
Click on the picture if you can't see looks just like Jeff!!! I love being married to an artist!! I love getting things out of the blue!!  And I love that he doesn't waste our money on  flowers that die or chocolate (that I hate....I know I am weird!!)

We just celebrated 15 years of marriage on July 22. We got married at the Memphis International Airport. (sorry, if you are trying to plan your wedding....that was 1995, pre 9/ can't do it now)

We have known each other for 19 years (what???? that is crazy!!)

ahhhhhhhh.......true love and know how I know.....because there are times I truly want to kill him!!! TRUE LOVE!!


  1. Way to go margaret, you are looking great and I know you are trying real hard in every thing you do. Love you, Dad

  2. Whew! you are busy!....and quite successful I might add!! luvu

  3. I must say that I am impressed with Jeff's insight....that artwork is so appropriate! Jeff is a great man,husband and father....(God be with you ,Jeff! hee hee hee = / )
