Sunday, January 8, 2012

If MAZ was in the crowd....

I have always been fascinated by Jesus, "the teacher".

History tells us that Jesus would teach for long periods of time.

Was ADD not a problem back then?

I have never been to or watched ANYTHING that would completely thrill or entertain me for as long as these people would sit and listen to Jesus talk.

When I study the scripture, I try to put myself in that time...

The Sermon On The Mount
Historians think that the sermon on the mount took place here.....beautiful!

This might be the very sight!

As a teacher and easily distracted person...
My mind would be wandering:

"how could I recreate that color of blue in a quilt?"

"should I sit in the grass where sheep could have possibly peed or on this rock where a scorpion or bigmongus spider could be living?"

"why did I have to pick this area to sit? I think these people missed last months bath!"

And my number one concern of every hour of the day...
"when do we eat?"

And the teaching! can have more than a temporary or circumstantial feeling of happiness

WHAT? those fleeting and few moments of complete happiness that I have experienced can be forever? they can feel deeper and real?
*those who recognize they are in need of God's help
*those who mourn their sin that led to spiritual, emotional, or financial loss
*those who do not assert themselves over others for their own personal agenda
*those who hunger and search for what is morally right, virtuous an justifiable
*those that show kindness and mercy to others
*those that pursue purity and uprightness in all areas of life
*those who promote total well being both personally and communally
*those who have been wrongfully treated because of their faith

After hearing this talk, I would might think:
"that hobo dude is looney! and these 12 hippies are ridiculous!"

I would hope that my response would have been:

Oh how wonderful to be face to face with Jesus!
I am so in love with every word coming out of his mouth, every move he made, every moment his gaze passed me....
I could sit for hours and hours...maybe even days and days...and might not feel the hunger, hear the noisy kids, smell the offensive odors, see the camels spitting, or be concerned with germs and creepy crawlies!!

Based on my current distracted quiet times
my selfish and lazy habits
and my usual opinions of  "bible talkin" people...

I am afraid that Jesus could have walked right by me, go through torture and suffering, be nailed to a tree...and I might have ignored it all....

This year, ignore the worldly noise, smells, and views.
Fall in love with listening and talking to God!


  1. Yes!!!! Yes!!!! I think the same stuff! Is there any way I'd have "gotten" it? I suffer no illusion that I would've been one of the faithful. I'm not now! I probably would've been one of those blind Pharisees, judging everyone and missing the point! I am so grateful for grace. Without it... I shudder...

  2. sadly a truth for most of us....we would have been like his own family....and received him not......
