Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I don't have a you?

I am not a "sweet" person.

WAIT!! that is not nice...I heard all the readers mumbling in agreement....

I am not talking about my personality....thank you very much!

I am talking about taste preference. I would rather have salty than sweet. 
I rarely crave candy. the past few years, around the holiday times...I have started getting hooked on one candy. 
Last year it was the M&Ms with pretzels inside.
Another year it was Nerds.
Another year it was sour gummies.

This year....

Tootsie Roll Pops!

I have developed the habit of enjoying a Tootsie Roll Pop while I am working.....

And lately.... I have been busy...

This makes me feel like I am Comet in a scene from the movie Santa Clause 2.

It is at the end of this clip:
(fast forward to about 2:03)


  1. Beautiful! I know just what you mean. I've been trying REALLY REALLY hard to work off baby fat by avoiding carbs, but everywhere I turn there's a pie that I just have to try and pasta that I have to eat because there's nothing else in our pantry. And I end up walking around just sounding and smelling like Comet. lol.

  2. .....and you are both ( Laura and Margaret) beautiful and fUnNy young ladies!! LOL!!!
