Saturday, December 3, 2011


I won the jackpot at our Christmas Party! We played secret Santa and the package I chose contained this:
Peeramid bookrest

I have already found a million wonderful uses!
I did not want the entire "me" to be in the pictures....the camera adds 20 pounds!
Or my eating habits....I forget the saying...

ANYWAY, I wanted you to have proof that it is ME in the pictures so I included my feet!
(reference to a section in previous post HERE)

FIRST, I immediately enjoyed the gift when I read a bedtime story to the kids.

Sweet dreams!

 I don't have an ipad, but I am learning how to use it when blogging....
I am sure I will eventually get used to hanging my head off the couch in order to see the screen!

 I was reading some material to prepare myself for going back to work. I no longer have to find a place for my drink and snacks! They balance on the edge perfectly!

When I have been very busy throughout the day, I often try a stress release activity by the time dinner rolls around. I can now "release stress" WHILE cooking!!

 I LOVE using it to hide my great hand in Solitaire POKER!!

I am so thankful that I did not choose the gifts that contained the Starbuck's Gift Card or the Christmas Story Leg Lamp Nightlight.

The Peeramid has truly made my life more relaxing!!



  1. Heelarious! I want one!

  2. LOL! I almost bought me one of those today! I hate trying to hold my book to read in bed.....You are all of your shoes...
