Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Tonight I dropped off Jack at youth group. Max and I were skipping church since he is sick. I felt bad about missing my class because there is always low attendance and I really like my teacher.

Max and I stopped by the bookstore on the way home to get his next book in the series he is reading. The parking lot was packed. I could not figure out why in the world the book store would be so busy on a Wednesday night but it is a "trendy" I did not think about it too long!!

We went into the store. There was a huge crowd in the middle of the store and I saw people taking pictures. I had no idea who was speaking. I figured it was a book signing but I also figured that I would probably not care WHO the person was.

Max headed to his book area. I headed to mine. I was looking for the latest behavior/education book (I have quite a collection). I heard the speaker on the microphone, but still could not see her. She was speaking on education. I was not paying too much attention because I was reading book jackets and forwards in the books I was interested.

The more I heard her speak....the more I thought "wow! she is smart! I like this lady! She sounds intelligent and like she really knows something about education! I wonder what book she wrote. I wonder if I know her!"
BUT....I hate crowds...and I did not care enough to go look and see who she was.

Max found his books. I chose a book and we went to the checkout. I looked at the door and saw my Wednesday night bible study teacher exiting with a signed book (I wasn't the only one skipping tonight!!). Then I saw several other people from church....and then I saw the picture of the author on the book!!!

I purchased my book and grabbed Max and ran over to the crowd. I made Max stand on the magazine display so he and I could look at the famous author and so I could say....

I SAW CONDOLEEZZA RICE!!! I was 20 feet from her!! I heard her speak (unknowingly!!)
I did not get her book because you had to pre-order to get it signed....if I am not getting it signed, I will wait for paperback!!!

(......and my camera was in the car......dern!)


  1. the one time i did not read my Davis Kidd f/b !!! i would have been there! and i would have pre-ordered....and i would now have a signed book!! ...sigh....but i am so glad that max and you could hear and see her! what fun!! that is funny about the leader of the group....giggling,snicker..i'm sooo silly! momma
