Wednesday, February 10, 2010

sad sad change of preference in MAZ's life

Due to our new dog and Jeff's work, I now am not so happy about rain, cold weather and snow!!

I am so sad. I have always preferred winter to any other season. I love snuggling under a warm blanket and watching the snow, or rain, etc. I loved stormy weather year round!!!

Now we have a dog. The dog insists on using the bathroom several times a day. We got the dog at the end of August. Since then, we have had so much rain and now snow, sleet and ice. I can not stay inside and be warm. I have to venture out into the elements to "walk" the dog in the backyard.


Jeff has been in Philly for 36 days. They have already had one blizzard which delayed court and are now expecting a severe blizzard which will delay court again.

I am dreaming of warm weather, Jeff home and going to the beach!!!

I am stuck. not losing but walking my legs off and eating healthy....grumble grumble

1 comment:

  1. hang in there ! just think of how HOT and humid it can be here in Memphis........momma
