Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I miss teaching in the City schools....Drop and give me 20!!!

I decided to channel my inner city school teacher......I mean the city school teacher inside me....well actually both....

One of my students can take a 45 minute math lesson and make it 6 hours!!

.....staring.....listening......walking around.....sharpening pencil.....getting paper.....I actually don't know what he does and neither does he!!!

So I make him set a timer. If he doesn't finish, he does a set amount of specific exercises and starts the timer again.

He gets his lessons done on time.....almost every time!

The other issue is careless mistakes! For every problem missed because of careless mistakes....he must do 15 push ups! Any other problems missed....10 sit ups or as many chin ups as he can do!

The careless mistakes are going down and I suspect he will be in better shape for his upcoming "Climb Nashville" with his Scout Troop!!

It is also fun, funny after every time I grade his math instead of grumpy and upsetting!!


This weekend one of my students released some anxiety on his "stupid math book" (his words to be voiced like eeyore)....
This idea was "sparked" by his uncle (the one whose kid has not been born yet)........thanks!
I believe there is more destruction planned....but for now....
here is what happened....

always be prepared!

no worries! our "school man of fire" was dousing the book with gasoline......well, he has the mustache of a fireman!

We all enjoyed watching the chapter on fractions burn after the Master Archer shot the flaming arrow!! You might want to ask him for the story!!

It was decided to save the rest of the book for further destruction.....

All is safe except maybe the breathable air, plants, water, neighbors, etc.....


  1. Sounds like Math is more fun now , Jack! And it won't hurt to be in shape to climb around ,Nashville. In fact ,it will be more fun because you will be able to breathe, eat, talk.etc. But ,What do you think about this regime?...not that it matters...LOL!
    Looks like you and Dad had a big time with the first assault on the Math book!! Looks like that show on t.v....that I never remember the name of!
    Great Job,MOM/TEACHER!! Max, were you filming all of this? and you are going to make big bucks off this?? LOL! GMOM

  2. Yeah, fire arrows! Weapons of math destruction. Jack, you'll have to show Kidd how this is done when the time comes. -that uncle

  3. Hey, You need to post these photos to Facebook! I have some friends who would love this.
    Leslie B.
