Monday, September 19, 2011

oscar MAZ grouch

Last night we had some wild wind and rain!

The storm was so loud it sounded like several fire hoses were aimed right at our house on full blast!

Usually during a storm like this I wake up full of worry....
*will it be the front or back tree that falls
*what is that noise....the leak in our room, the laundry room, the window leak...

I can't sleep for worrying about the financial damage the storm is causing!!

I love storms but over the years I have not been able to enjoy one of God's most fantastic entertainments!!

After this year's FREEDOM that I have experienced, I woke up about 2am this morning and I did not immediately stiffen with this gripping worry....

I was able to listen and enjoy the storm!

HOWEVER, my quirks kicked in...and I began to think about our garbage on the edge of the street....

During these types of storms, our street starts to resemble a small was very windy....

I got up to....of all things....CHECK ON OUR GARBAGE!!!

I looked out of the window and...

My garbage instantly reassured me it had not blown over or down the street!

I got back in bed and Jeff asked sleepily, "what's wrong..."

As it came out of my mouth, I realized how stupid it sounded and I started laughing...
"I was just checking on our garbage....bwhahahahahhaha..."

Jeff didn't make a sound....guess he is used to me after all these years!

This morning....I looked out the window again before the city picked up the garbage and I swore I made a connection with my garbage can!!


  1. It sensed you were looking out for it. Now maybe it won't stink.

  2. I have never given it a "bath".. like my dad did ours (growing up)...I will now! Who knew those garbage cans had cartoon 2am!

  3. where do you find this crazy clip art that somehow expresses your soul?
