Monday, October 24, 2011

Why do I teach my kids at home?

Why do I teach my kids at home?

I have NO idea.....can't really give a good reason.....
I just want to use my degree to teach them myself 
(and not make any money.....hmmmm, maybe I should rethink this...)

BUT because I do teach them at home, we have discovered MANY "pros"!!

When daddy is in town, he can take them camping DURING the week and not on a weekend with EVERYONE else!! 
(this trip was Jeff and Max one-on-one time) 

putting up the tent....on his own

made a fire...on his own

cooking breakfast he planned....on his is a poptart HA HA!!

excellent fun and adventures!

AND when that week's science project said "using cement and bait food, try to get impressions of animal tracks in your backyard (which will probably be raccoon, opossum, cat or dog...)

We can alter the project when....on the camping trip....

"natural bait food" is provided....

and you find

AWESOME bobcat tracks!!!

 AND....when you are in the back room..... sewing.....
thinking that they are working hard on their school work...

They are actually watching The Today Show, starring Martha Stewart and her "halloween ideas".
SOOOO, later they can "create" what they learned.... ON TV and not in their grammar book.

Martha's project: freezing water with food coloring in latex glove

There are many "cons" to teaching kids at home...

One is socialization, being around people that are NOT family!

We solved that!
Teach them to run FAST....and find friends a corn field.....
That is normal...right?

*for you serious people....that is a friend in the above picture....
we don't really chase down strangers.....that is something a "homeschooler" would do!


  1. Bwaaahaaahaa! Be serious! You do it because you love it. That's all there is to it. Don't try to fool people! Did that little girl get away?

  2. I certainly hope Brian doesn't read your blog....if he sees Jeff's beard it is going to give him more fuel. He wants to grow a burly man's beard.....right now it is annoying me.

  3. I loved this story and the pictures to go with it!! Max, I know the most difficult meal was the breakfast......but you did a great job! snicker.....did you "Catch the other meals" ?? and then cook them over the fire? P.S. I am glad the bobcat ran off..... You guys seemed to have a great time! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think the "hand story" looks toooooo real!! yikes!!! Scare Meeeee!!!
