Tuesday, October 4, 2011

FAIL...fail....FAIL...f a i l

I feel that I keep failing...at everything.....NO! no pity party....not looking for sympathy...
so save those comments!!

oh, you may hear me blame others...but on the inside..I feel I failed as a mother, teacher, trainer, wife, cook, sister, daughter, friend (if I made any).....

Those words rarely make it out of my mouth...I'm a pretender...

I have one of my favorite photos to share..
The good, perfect, always-together-mom...thought she was getting a picture of her son giving a cute face...
Turns out mom was pinching son's arm with her fat thigh. Son was wincing with pain...

I continually fail my children. I don't listen to their words. I make a snap decision at what I THINK they are going to say or what I THINK their motives are....

The baby in the above picture probably forgot the fat mother did that to him by the time they got to the next adventure in the day....

My babies are entering their teen years....I am afraid sneaking into their rooms and whispering into their ears "you have the best mother in the world" will backfire and we will have an episode of Criminal Minds written about us....

I used to make them "look at my eyes and repeat after me"....but since we do the home school thing....I feel like we are making a Stephen King movie...

sigh......I think I have made a mistake....I spent my whole time training them to be wonderful and never trained myself.

So, while many of you need to start training your kids to be respectful and have manners 
(if you don't know who you are...I will be happy to tell you....)

I will be training myself to be respectful and have manners...........
(starting with not saying the above comment?)



  1. SIGH!!! but isn't he a cute little chunk!

  2. ....well, you are the Mother of "aging children"....YOU are not aging THEY are......and so begins the reflection! First you are either frightened at the thought of Motherhood or you are oblivious to what is going on and you are happy :/ Next comes the judgement of your own Mother and Mother-in-law.....they just had no idea how to parent you (or your spouse)....now your children are older and the judgements are on yourself....maybe you afford grace to your parents now......and then your children are grown .....WOW! JUST LOOK HOW GREAT THEY ARE! ...in spite of yOu! And those granddkids! terrific,marvelous,intelligent,etc. must have happened all on their own !!???.....these are the usual steps in growing older....variations in families... ( " ... .... ....."(those are the words you asked not to hear...snicker!!) To quote...well close to it....Abilene in THE HELP " you is kind, you is sweet, you is smart" Teach your kids that and treat them with respect....OH! you do that.......P.S. DO NOT DELETE ME or the Wrinkle Fairy ,who also gives gray hairs WILL be given your address.
