Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Goodbye Rock Star, Hello Gardner!!

I have held on to my dream of being a rock star for long enough...

I was encouraged that Cyndi Lauper did not become a star until 35....but now that I am turning 38 (in 8 days..don't forget!)..I am ready to drop this dream.

Truthfully, I am too tired! I don't wear make up or fix my hair, but I always thought that I would!!!...if I woke up one morning with the ability to sing like Joan Jett and play the guitar like Slash...

Not anymore...I am tired...I am feeling old....I am finding it hard to come up with simple words in conversation, I don't like noise, crowds, and almost anything triggers my migraines...

not a great combo for a rock star...

I have a new dream...

I  have always wanted to be a gardner!! I have killed everything in my yard that is pretty and can't get rid of the things that are that is why it is a dream and not a reality...

My mom's dad, Grandee, was the best at growing anything and always had a beautiful yard!! I loved visiting him and spending time in his yard, listening to his stories......I miss him.

Here he is in front of my mom's zinnias...grown from seeds he saved every year 

My excuses every year:
I don't have yard floods....I can't do it...

But Grandee created a garden and beauty from nothing.....and he could grow it in a can, between concrete slabs, gravel, a paper cup...etc...

He passed this gift to his youngest, Joel.

My uncle started a Fair Share "urban garden" program. He grew gardens in abandon lots in sandy Florida! His yard has always been a treasure to behold!! He repurposes items....and again....grows anything...anywhere....
He is now in Chattanooga...Fair Share/Chattaboogie Truck Farm....a garden in a truck!!
Teaching schools and others about growing their own food ANYWHERE.....

I know I can grow SOMETHING....SOMEWHERE in my yard!
My plan:
*cheapest and easy way to start?

*I have 2 big plastic buckets!
get these cabbage heads out!

*I have a bazillion ugly concrete blocks
(which act as an oven and bake your pricey flowers to a crisp in direct sunlight!)

*and I have plenty of swamp land!

So maybe....future blogs might bring you some MAZ adventures in gardening....
hope you aren't emotional plant lovers...because there is sure to be death...


  1. I'll bet money if you can't do it ...I can.

  2. OK!!! this a challenge to grow things? or kill things?

  3. I can't wait! You can experiment in my yard. My neighbor's mad at my mud sliding into her driveway!!! But I'm not giving up my dream of being a star on a big stage!! I think it's too late to be a Disney princess, but they still need wicked stepmothers!!!
